Jeff Pearl's Local VA and MD Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Samson Properties / LIC in VA



Many people will be insulted or offended when a loan officer asks for race, sex, and ethnicity when gathering information for a loan application, and will refuse to provide the information by phone or on line. Some think they are being discriminated against based on the answers they give to these...
OK, It's official- QR codes are becoming a joke. Couple on date- What does that mean on your cuff link?- Oh, that's a QR Code so people can scan my cufflinks with their smart phone so they can see my web site. OR- In case I'm in an accident, the EMT's can scan my cuff links to see if I'm allergic...
This story appears in the NOV / DEC issue of Commonwealth magazine in VA. Names are changed for this blog post. The story is about an agent  for XY Realty that had a client named PJ Buyer that was buying a home. The deal fell through. All parties signed a realease, and EMD was returned to PJ Buye...
What would you do if you were showing houses and townhouses in the communities surrounding VA Tech campus today and heard about another shooting? Several police and emergency personell converge on VT while your with a family showing homes nearby. What do you say to potentials buyers? The area is ...
The 10 Do's:                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (1) Do shop for your loan. (2) Do Interview real estate agents, mortgage...
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) – A film about a real-estate office and its strict incentives for its salesmen to close leads, leading to corrupt behavior.  First prize for salespersons is a Cadilac El Derado, ( do they still make those?) 2nd prize is a box of cheap steak knives, 3rd prize is being fi...
FHA may need to rase it's mortgage insurance premiums again if econmy slows. FHA reserves have fallen 45% in the last year. The program is mandated by Congress to keep a certain % of reserves. In other FHA news, FHA received Congressional approval  to expand its loan limits in high cost areas to ...

Jeff Pearl

Full Service Full Time Realtor
smartphone(703) 727-4876
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