Jeff Pearl's Local VA and MD Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Samson Properties / LIC in VA



With another winter storm about to hit the East coast, and snow predictions ranging from 3" to 3', I would hope most people would already be prepared. But unfortunately, many never prepare, or wait until the last minute, then after the power goes out, they are running around looking for candles, ...
This scenario seems to happen too often in this business, but it's most likely a very small % of agents that steal from people's houses. But everytime it does happen, both agents and homeowners can learn from these crimes. In this case, I thought it was strange that a buyers agent showed up ahead...
 The Governor of Virginia declared the month of January Radon Action Month. Radon has been found to be the 2nd leading cause of cancer in people who don't smoke. Many homebuyers will skip the radon testing when buying a home. I know there are many people that just don't believe radon is anything ...
Well, that depends on what features of a property you want to promote that will attract the most interest from buyers. Many properties won't benefit at all from aerial photos or videos. They will just be a waste of time and money. Condos for example, unless there is something attractive about the...
 I'm sure by now many agents are familiar with photography copyrights and Creative Commons. There are sevreral sources of photos available online these days, but we should always remember to read the Terms of Service which describes if any type of license is needed before using those photos.  The...
If you're a potential buyer in Virginia, you've probably heard the statement " It is illegal for me to work with buyers in VA without a written Buyer Broker Agreement". You've probably also seen a similar statement posted on many agents websties. I'm working with buyers now that were told that by...
The Virginia Association of Realtors sent out the following notice recently. This is totally unbelievable. How long this went on before being discovered isn't mentioned. I would say there had to be cooperation from the licensing testing company. So how many people received a license that never st...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will be requiring the use of the “Closing Disclosure” starting August 1st 2015. This replaces the current HUD-1 closing statement.  The form shown in this pdf might change before 8/1, but this is probably close to what it will look like. http://file...
Many agents have posted questions asking about which cameras are best for real estate photography. There is always more than one correct answer to that question. When buying a camera, many factors will come into play as, how much money do you want to spend?, will you be shooting video?, stills?, ...
"Checking the couch for spare change? You may be owed an even bigger payout, courtesy of the Virginia Department of the Treasury.  The state has $1.7 billion in unclaimed money, stocks, bonds, dividends, utility deposits, insurance proceeds, tangible property and more, according to a Pilotonline ...

Jeff Pearl

Full Service Full Time Realtor
smartphone(703) 727-4876
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