Jeff Pearl's Local VA and MD Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Samson Properties / LIC in VA



"MAP is Mortgage Acts and Practices - Advertising." It prohibits misrepresentations and imposes recoredkeeping requirements on anyone who provides information about mortgage products to consumers.  " Providing information" can mean something as simple as giving a consumer a lenders rate sheet.  "...
The latest information from police and Town of Leesburg is that route 15 could be closed from Noon until 6PM. So if you plan to be in Leesburg or anywhere along the route, you could potentially be stuck on one side of 15 and not allowed to cross even on foot. Approx 2000+ motorcycles will be ridi...
Well, mainly because we don't feel like going out and spending $1000.00 on a new one if we don't have to. This is another one of those often overlooked maintenance items. When done every few years, it can make your refridgerator operate more efficiently, and extend it's life for a at least a few ...
  VHDA recently announced higher income and sales price limits for our area.  The Washington-Arlington-Alexandria MSA is now $450,000 sales price limit and $120,900 income limit for up to 2 persons and $140,000 for a 3 or more person households.  The VHDA FHA Plus program provides a second trust ...

Jeff Pearl

Full Service Full Time Realtor
smartphone(703) 727-4876
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