Jeff Pearl's Local VA and MD Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Samson Properties / LIC in VA



 I'm currently lining up locations and qualified speakers for my 2016 schedule for Free First Time Homebuyer classes. If you think you will be a first time buyer, a buyer who hasn't owned a house in the last 3 years, or a buyer planning on buying in a Federal Targeted Area, there are several bene...
 Lovettsville VA is convenietly located in Western Loudoun county VA. It offers activities for every type of lifestyle. Today, I'll focus on hiking. Just West of Lovettsville is Neersville VA. Just take 287 S towards Purcellville, to 9 W towards Hillsboro. Then turn right on Harper's Ferry Rd whi...
  I've been working with buyers that are looking for land to build a house on. One of their criteria is the view. Mountain views preferably. Elevations can be deceiving, and many times properties that appear level, have great mountain views. The drive from Point of Rocks MD on Lovettsville Rd goi...
      Since I have received a noticeable increase in calls and emails in 2015 from landowners asking me if I could help them find farmers to either keep their land qualifying for the land use program, or to farm to produce some income, I decided to put this list together to help landowners remem...
I wanted to do a little more research on this before I included it on my recent blog about " 20 Sources of Free Photos and More for Bloggers". source is a very fast way to locate a photo for your blog, but...

Jeff Pearl

Full Service Full Time Realtor
smartphone(703) 727-4876
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