So much information that it makes you dizzy?? OH MY GOD-Kathy Strieb of DelRay Beach once again expresses what I often experience-too much information (affectionately referred to by those in the know as TMI) too many passwords, too many channels and I can go on and on-but she says it so succinctl...
Holly Weatherwax of Reston Virginia has approached "living healthy" in ways that are very palatable. She has five great ideas for small changes that can make a huge impact on how we feel. I for one, have called a friend to take yoga with me and now we partner together, twice a week! NAMASTE Hol...
Thank you all for being my TEAM IN THE RAIN and helping me reach 200,000 points today! It's been an absolute joy for me to get to know you - your unique personalities shine through each post and I treasure your personal stories and your great information and I know who to count on for exactly w...
Yes, I am an interior decorator and a home stager. And yes, I work with furniture, all kinds. But honestly, renting furniture for a vacant home in order to "stage to sell" is my least favorite activity. Got a minute? I've been working, since December 1, on getting a gorgeous arts and crafts bun...
Janis Borguesta of Newburgh New York is a Hudson Valley neighbor and knows well the outages that we often experience here because of weather and other disasters. There's been a rush on generators but Janis talks about the prophylactic wiring for generators that builders she works with are now do...
As a Westchester County interior decorator, I work with clients who just want their "looks" refreshed. It's been years since they've picked out furniture, the kids have grown and all moved out, and their rooms just look worn and tired. Now empty nesters, these clients want to entertain their fr...