Up coming GREEN event in the Twin Cities
By DJ Breckheimer - SW Mpls Specialist
(Re/Max Advantage Plus)
For those interest here are a number of dates that you may want to RSVP and put in your calander: Do It Green! January 2008 Workshop Series Schedule * To RSVP for any workshop, please send your name, email and date of workshop you would like to attend to info@doitgreen.org or call 612-345-7973. All workshops are $5 per person. You may pay by check or cash the day of or online through PayPal *January 2008: Sustainable Food Resolution WorkshopsHow can your diet make a positive impact on the health of our planet and on all of us who live here? Pay attention to the "Big Three" of sustainable food considerations and join us for our education workshops this month. Each of these workshops will feature an interactive component, designed to empower your New Year's Resolution to eat more sustai...