Valid question and I think that Michael Setunsky and Marc Swartz, CPA, CA, Real Estate Broker gave you great answers. A
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz It doesn't take much effort. Put together a detailed Marketing Plan and present it to the seller. It will carry a lot of weight when they see it in writing.
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Vegas Bob is with Michael Setunsky on presenting a detailed marketing plan for the home owner.
And I also like this part of Michael Jacob's answer:
I talk about teamwork and by working together we can achieve the best possible results.
Topped off by Debe Maxwell's answer:
I have a slideshow presentation that shows all of the marketing that the sellers can expect during the listing of their home. We review it in detail and never have they asked me to do something besides print marketing in the first week...of course, I say NO to that!
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
I give them a detailed marketing plan that explains it all. If they get caught up on one item or another I quickly get them to focus on all the other things. At the end I always ask if there is anything else they would like to add and have yet to have anyone add a thing.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
I talk about teamwork and by working together we can achieve the best possible results. How does that sound to you? Let's talk about our advertising and marketing plans...
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Some great answers here already - do what you do and do it better than anyone else
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I have a slideshow presentation that shows all of the marketing that the sellers can expect during the listing of their home. We review it in detail and never have they asked me to do something besides print marketing in the first week...of course, I say NO to that!
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
This is the time to open the kimono and show the seller what I've got.
Greg Large
Grove City, OH
Start packing is the very first thing for them to know. After that, watch how it all enfolds nicely....
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
The home owner receives a detailed response and includes samples of collateral.
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
I'd tell them what I was going to do, but I wouldn't be specific on how it's done, which they might be fishing for.
I discuss my strategy of pre marketing and what happens once it is on the market and after.
I just finished creating my new online presentation where I described in details what I do.
"It's all in the package we provided to you...specifically what questions do you have?"
I like to show them with examples of current and past marketing. I have a handout of what we offer that wows most sellers but showing it live also helps.
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz - Do you want to be found ALL OVER ON INTERNET?
That's me!
Please sign here...
They shouldn't have to ask. I think a written marketing plan is important for any listing presentation.
I lay it out for them and I have my laptop to show them some of what I do online.
I state "I use the all of the above stategy" MLS, Sign, Online marketing to all major and most minor real estate websites including...
Stick a sign in the yard, hang a lockbox on the door, and put it in the MLS. Plus a photo of the front of the house taken with my smartphone on a cloudy day, and also a picture of the bathroom with the toilet seat raised.
Uh, no. We are going to doll this house up, professionally photograph it, price it right, and market it properly to both the public and to other Realtors.
I share a draft written marketing plan and also show them samples of what I do
I give a full summary of what we do and the results that they can expect, specific plans are reserved for when we get serious and have an agreement in place.