There is a reason why our sellers are often reluctant to accept these govt loan offers.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
I avoid these govt programs, life is to short to deal with them.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
Chris Lima the seller should clear the home for roof inspection anyways! So it's good - and now, we have reason to let seller know about it.
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
I had an appraiser recently letting me know. Yes i will have my sellers make sure closets are clean where access is through a closet.
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
I fear this is going to be a bowl of spaghetti. Ideally FHA, VA, etc. would put out clear, concise information about what each loan type requires but that isn’t likely to happen. Local lenders aren’t likely to do it. Inspectors aren’t likely to do it.
That leaves the Realtors® trying to cobble together information. Not a pretty picture.
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
Good idea to preapre the selelrs for the roof inspection.
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
Of course I will be preparing my sellers for an FHA inspection if they take an FHA offer. In many parts of the country we can not claim to have 60% cash offers so we have to live with the FHA rules. We push different boulders here in the DC area!
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL
Subjectively, it provides another reason to reject FHA backed purchase offers in preference to conventional. Here in Pinellas County Florida nearly 60% of sales are cash. The FHA buyer is pushing a bolder up the mountain.
Materially, it is meaningless since a 'real' inspection AND an insurance inspection, that specifically evaluates the roof, are routinely performed.
To agents: How many of you will find a ladder, grab a torch and stick your head through EACH trap door to evaluate the attic view? I did that once and discover and entire, undeveloped room the owner did not know existed. "I wondered what was there?" was the response.
Chris Lima
Port St Lucie, FL