Kris I try to comment on the blogs of members who normally comment on my blog everyday. That group of bloggers is about 25 to 30, so I have been commenting on more than 20 blogs per day for a while now and will continue to do so regardless of how many I get points for.
It is nice to get the points, but in this case it is not the points that motivate me, it is responding in kind to those who comment on my blogs, and a way of saying thank you for them constantly commenting on my blogs.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
I enjoyed the 20 comments a day, and I plan to continue doing that. We have many great relationships on AR, and I am not about commenting just for points, and often we do more than 20. I think it encourages commenting. A
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
A little background: we changed the limit to 10 comments per day that will earn a member points and have been hearing some disagreement on that decision. What do you think... boneheaded or brilliant? George Souto , I definitely want to hear from you on this one!
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Kelly Cummings and Rya...
Mobile, AL
20 somehow was a goal that more people reached for, myself included.
if it's 10, will I do 20? Sure sometimes maybe, but the rush of "I hit my target" will be 10. I'm not that jacked up about points,but I know that going from 9 to 10 will have a better feeling of success than going 19 to 20.
If the point is to have people interact, then I'd suggest 20 comments per day.
As for 10 blogs per week, I think that's legitimate. If you go much higher, then people will simply start writing garbage to get the points, which destroys the value of the system.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Kris, I have to say I liked the 20 comments per day. It made many interact a bit more, and reach out to meet new members, or those you had not commented on.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I will say that while I often exceed the comments limit for points, I loved getting points for 20 comments and found myself MUCH more engaged than I was before. Some days I would realize I had made 15 points and push to get in the extra 5. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Maybe not, but I am a 'gold star" kind of gal and I love being rewarded for certain behaviors.
Ironically, since the change to comments increased to 20, I have doubled my subscribers. So, for me, it was totally motivational and I engaged with so many more people.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Most days I comment on posts more than 20 times. I like the points but I would probably comment that many times anyways.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Kris Neese I like the 20 comments a day . It motivates me to read more blogs . I do not always have the time but it does encourage me to pick up my IPad in the evening to catch up with my friends in the Rain . I loved the 20 comments .
I heard a few members complaining that it was taking away from their position on the leader board as they did not want to spend that much time on AR . Suddenly they were posting more blogs again and commenting to regain their position .
I think 20 comments was awesome and I am disappointed you have confused everyone and taken them away . What purpose does it serve but to discourage participation of commenting on other members blogs
That is my humble opinion . You asked I have answered .
Yours truly
Why is George Souto's opinion more important then mine ????
I love George but would like an answer
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
I liked the idea of 20 comments as it seemed to encourage more commenting (and I thought most of the commenting was high quality). I also liked that it gave newcomers a change to gain some momentum. I have a hunch it may keep some of them longer. BTW, I often did more than 20 comments a day.
But, this is not something that I think is must have or must not have. (I did think points for 20 posts was a disaster).
If you leave it at 10, I think it would be good to have bonus weeks for 20 comments/day.
I'd be curious to know what you guys have seen w/ the 20 comments/day. I had heard before that comments were down. When you changed to 20 did it increase? Or did it spike and then decline?
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
I am on site a couple of hours a day and it i always more than 20 comments to just acknowledge those that hit me on a regular basis and time to get back to some new friend as well.
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
I think 10 is good, especially since we now have questions. It seems that 20 is too many. Maybe if a lot of members want more you could change it to 15?
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
There should be no limit on questions one can answer or number of comments one can post in a day. However, there should be a cap on points for sure.
With new point system - it's 10 comments and 10 answers which is just okay.
I do not mind earning some more points. I'd prefer 20 (or 15) comments and 5 answers, considering the ratio of blog posts to questions everyday is 4:1.
I do see this is encouraging Q&A section - however, there will not be a variety in questions as much as we see and feel in the blog posts. And at some point, the questions will start getting.....(you know what.)
Just my two cents.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
It appears that ActiveRain wants us to reduce the number of comments that we make. That is what I will do.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
I think it's wise to reduce the number of comments for which points are awarded to 10/day.
I love reading substantive comments, which are often as interesting as the original blog posts. But there is no question that some comments are as brief as, "I agree, I do that, too," which really adds nothing to the conversation. I often wonder whether those commenters are chiming in to get their quota of points for 20 comments. When I agree with something that's already been said, I simply "like" the comment, rather than repeat it, rewarding the commenter, rather than racking up points for myself. And that's okay.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
One other quick thought...regardless of whether you do 20 or 10, it is helpful to see what the limit is on our points page.
I think Hannah said it well.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Kudos to those who have the time to comment 20+ times!
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
Hi Kris - I prefer 10 as a limit - I think it will help keep the quality of the comments high and cut down on people leaving comments just for the points. At 10, there's no penalty for leaving more if someone desires to do so.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I really don't care. I have never let it limit me as to how many comments I make daily. I comment more than 20 on a regular basis, but am not bothered if the point limit is 10.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Someone heard us!
I completely agree with Claude Labbe and others.
How about tagging and liking?
Kris, I think that most of us comment for things other than the points. Just did a post about it. Comments are what put the social into the ActiveRain network.
When we went from 10 - 20, it did not affect the numbers of my commenting.