In an interview online, OUR First Lady indicates that OUR President does not like their daughters watching the K-girls TV reality show. FINALLY * we agree on something. The K-girls are ONLY famous for EXPLOITING themselves and their dead father on TV. The fact that their STEPfather is a FAMOUS
I monitor several landlord websites and it is interesting that many DIY landlords are NOT getting the correct information ont he REPEAL of the 1099 reporting requirement in Obamacare. The accounting firm JK Harris & Company gives a great review of what WAS * WAS and NOW IS. The small business vo
Having been in the BIZ in the early 70s...same thing happened then...LANDLORDS and PROPERTY MANAGERS will $AVE the real estate industry and keep America housed until the lending and mortgage industry can REadjust!! According to an article by Lawrence Yun there are 1.4 million more renters in Amer
In the words of Will Smith's character in Bad Boys II - Now THIS is what I'm talking about. The Richmond (Virginia) Tea Party is accussing the Richmond mayor, Dwight Jones, of NOT treating all citizens alike. Tea Party spokesperson, Colleen Owens, is saying that Jones has given the protesters ca
In Virginia, landlords must have a certification notice that the smoke alarm batteries are changed once a year. I have them changed 2X annually when my HVAC service work is done! October is National Fire Prevention Month, and with that in mind here are some resources to help you with fire preven
I got to a showing appointment EARLY yesterday so I cruised through the neighborhood and noted the # of FOR SALE and FOR RENT signs. ....I noted a FOR RENT sign on a property I leased 10 years ago. It was being managed long distance by the daughter of the homeowner who was in a nursing home. Sh
I can remember when BANKER'S HOURS meant LESS work! They certainly have not called LESS work REAL ESTATE hours! These people are CLUELESS and they need to be camping out in front of Barney Frank's HOMES! “It’s weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you w
I have rental prospects whose current home is in a Short Sale. They want to move closer to their work and DOWNsize. Rather than completing their applications, they are communicating about potential for rental increases at the home they are interested in. I have offered them a lease through July,
On my drive back from RainCamp in Charlotte last fall, Obama was in our area speaking for a NOWjobless 5th District Congressman.....traffic was paralized for 3 hours and the OUSTED congressman has not paid his share of the city/county police overtime as agreed...UNAWARE real estate agents were ST
Thank you JAY! I'm starting to identify HOMEowner duties that are usually performed by the LANDlord - this is one of them so the investment in a 2-story ladder is unnecessary (Sorry, HomeDepot #20 Joey Lagano) AND the risk of falling off the roof is not an option. I also have the shingles and th