When is the best time to make a new lawn?
By Kenneth Cole, NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
(Weichert Realtors Appleseed Group, 2043 Richmond Ave. S.I.N.Y. 10314. office phone 718-698-9797, Appleseedhomes.com -)
When is the best time to make a new lawn? If you start from seed, I believe fall is best. If you need a new lawn in the spring, sod is the way to go. For years I have been over seeding my backyard lawn, and it looked great for about 6-8 weeks. Then when the roots started to compete with each other the lawn died. I almost gave up and started planning to put down artificial turf. Last Sunday I was listening to a garden show on the radio and I found out what I was doing wrong. Over seeding. So this week I ordered sod. In about 2 hours I had a beautiful backyard lawn. see photos below.