Freehold Township Seven Oaks Market Report Monmouth County NJ 07728
By Timothy Schwartz
(Century 21 Mack Morris Iris Lurie)
Seven Oaks is located in East Freehold, Monmouth County just off Burlington Road. Seven Oaks was built in the mid 1990's by builders Matzel and Mumford. Since this development has been built Matzel and Mumford was acquired by New Jersey's largest homebuilder Hovanian Enterprises. Cumulative Analysis for Seven Oaks in Freehold Township for last 12 months from April 29, 2007. Report prepared by Timothy Schwartz ABR, CRS, GRI Broker/Owner of CENTURY 21 Showcase in Colts Neck, NJAs of April 29, there is only one active listing in Seven Oaks. Seven Oaks is near the Colts Neck border and conveniently located to Rt 18 and is commutable to NYC.To find a house that is located in Monmouth County, please feel free to search http://www.MonmouthMLS.comYou can also reach CENTURY 21 Showcase toll ...