
Franklin, NC Real Estate News

By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Hello, I want to buy a house down Hwy.441 South can you help me? Sorry my taxi day's are over! Mr. Buyer called the office Thursday morning and asked me to help him buy a home down Hwy.441 South in Franklin, NC.  He said he was sick of driving over Cowee mountain everyday to work.  Mr. Buyer tells me Fruit of the Loom is opening back up and he is helping them to get ready to do so.   Of course I am going to help him. I would LOVE to help him and his family relocate.  He wanted me to go show him houses today, there are many to choose from and he has a few he picked right out of the book. He said he don't know what his comfort level with a mortgage is yet but he is ready to look at homes. Now, it all sounded really good on the phone and the poor guy really was sincere.  Then my questions ...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Cartoogechaye Community Franklin, NC Winter Sunsets Winter sunsets are just beautiful in my opinion.  Is it me or is it true that the winter sunsets are different than in the summer?  On this winter day the sun was setting in the Cartoogechaye Community Franklin, NC.  I get to see them almost everyday on my way home and as soon as you cross over the overpass of Hwy. 64 you can not help but look.  In the morning I look to the East when the sun is rising.  I just love going over the bridge coming and going to and from home.  Mill Creek Golf Course and Country Club is located in Cartoogechaye.
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
"Snot Freezing Weather" in Franklin, NC and 49 States with snow If you are from up north you probably have heard the term "Snot Freezing Weather"!  As kids we didn't care how cold it was, we wanted to go out and play with our neighborhood friends.  Who wanted to stay home with your brothers and sisters or worse the parents.  We stayed out as long as we could and your nose would run so much it would freeze. We didn't have computers, video games or cell phones to text so nobody stayed home. In the winter time we had sleds, ice skates, skiing and home made forts to have snowball fights.  Hitching rides on the back of cars was the norm and your mother asking you where your other glove is.  The boy's would go rabbit and squirrel and deer hunting. Squirt hunting is what we called it, they wer...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Buyers to the right of me Sellers to the left - Here I am stuck in the snow with you. I am kind of liking this stuck at home in the snow business.  I haven't been able to get to the office in days here in Macon County, Franklin, NC.  It is a good thing I have a home office too.  I have NO excuses not to work. Buyers are out in the snow looking at homes in Franklin, NC and even walking to them from the bottom of driveways.   I would rather be in my office than home but in today's world it does not matter where I am I can still work.  I have only had one problem with an offer I put in from the last snow storm to an agent who claims its because of the snow she can't get to the office and her seller has been at home with health problems and don't know how to scan & email.     Learn how to E...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Older homes for sale or rent in Franklin, NC - What is Lead Base Paint and why does it matter now? If your selling or buying and even leasing a home and its age is 1978 or older there will be another form attached to the contract or lease. Lead Warning Statement and confirms that the seller or landlord has complied with all notification requirements.  Sellers or landlords, and agents, as well as homebuyers or tenants, must sign and date the attachment. Buyers and renters must receive a copy of the EPA's pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home, which describes lead poisoning. Home renovators also are required to provide their clients with this pamphlet. Federal law requires that individuals receive certain information before renting, buying, or renovating pre-1978 housing: Ma...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
How is the housing market in Franklin, NC 390 Residential properties, sold for the entire 2010 year in Franklin, NC (Macon County)   ***2010 Median Sold Price - $123,500 with 390 Residential properties sold***   The values are certainly not going up but still declining here in Franklin, NC and around Western North Carolina.  I have noticed it takes a few years for our market to catch up with what ever is going on in Big Cities.  Foreclosures were a bigger chunk of our  home sales this past year and some Short Sales.  That is why I had chosen to get my designation in Short Sales and Foreclosures to prepare for them coming my way and they did.   ***2009 Median Sold Price was $135,500 with 320 Residential properties sold***  Cash - 119 Conventional - 137 Rural Dev - 26 FHA - 17 VA - 5 Owne...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Upcoming events in Franklin, NC There is always something happening in Franklin, NC from listening to music to making your business better in Macon County.  The Franklin Chamber of Commerce is always trying to help small businesses grow and become vibrant.  It amazes me how much they do for our quaint little town of Franklin, NC. Mountain Dulcimer Date: Jan 21, 2011 When: 7 pm Sponsored by the Arts Council.  For additional information contact 828-524-7683 More Info  Social Networking for Business Date: Jan 25, 2011 When: 9 am to 2 pm Where: The Center for New Mountain Business in Franklin, NC This seminar is sponsored by the Franklin, NC Chamber of Commerce and the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Registration is required.  $10 for Chamber Members.  $20 for Non Members.  Registration...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
I noticed  that there were dehumidifiers included, is there a mold problem or water leaks? How old is the roof? Are there any structural problems? Any other information would be greatly appreciated. All legitimate questions from a buyer looking at a home on the Internet.  Here is how I answered the moisture question. Here in the mountains of Franklin, NC I have homes for sale on creeks, streams, rivers and of course lots of trees so with out a doubt there is excessive moisture at times.  Foggy & damp mornings and sometimes areas do not see the sun pop out until around noon, especially in the Fall & Winter months. In Franklin, NC we are have a great deal of second homes that are closed up and no air running.  I tell all my people to at least let the fans run to circulate the air.       ...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Where will you be marketing my home?  Here is a question often asked when I am listing a home for sale. I market in so many areas it would be easy to forget some so the best way to answer this question is for me to show them where I will be marketing their home and its not just in Franklin, NC.  I have a list that I go down when listing a home, kinda like a cheat sheet so I don't forget one.  The first place is our local MLS and I do explain what MLS means.  You would be amazed at the people who do not know what it means.  Multiple Listing Service is for Local Realtors who are members of the Board of Realtors and we exchange our information about our in house listing to other Brokers. Our local Franklin Board of Realtors has our MLS syndicated out to many other sites such as these below...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
What is and What is not covered in a Home Inspection in North Carolina I get asked this question a lot when it comes to getting the Home Inspected.  A good Home Inspector in NC with give you a Pre-Inspection Agreement to read and sign before it can be preformed.  In that agreement it tells you what he or she will inform you of in a written report of any major deficiencies with the property.  Should you have any particular concerns be sure you tell the Inspector to address them for you.  What is cover in a Home Inspection is in accordance with the North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board of Standards of Practice and includes the following systems and components: Structure, Exterior, Roofing, Plumbing, Electrical, Heating, Air Conditioning, Interior, Insulation and Ventilation and an...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
What is there to do in Franklin, NC? Franklin, NC has a lot to offer and you should never be bored around here.  After all we have the whole Great Smoky Mountains to play in.  Here are a few of the local favorite things to do in Franklin, NC. Hiking the Appalachian Trail is very difficult but if your like me I look for the shorter hiking trails.  There is just something about being outside and feeling closer to God.  There are many trails here in Franklin but  Here are 4 of the best hiking trails in the mountains in Franklin, NC.  Be sure to let someone know when you will be back and where you are going. Whitewater rafting is a ton of fun and the whole family can enjoy this activity.  One of the most popular places to go is the Nantahala River. From Franklin (about 1 hour) and North Geo...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Does it snow in Franklin, NC? The answer is YES it does snow in Franklin, NC. When I first moved here to Franklin, NC the year was 1993 and most folks around here remember that because it was the Blizzard of "93".  It was exactly two weeks after the snow storm our moving truck came to the mountains of Western NC - Macon County. The snow was all gone by April 9th, it was wet, cold and windy that day.  I won't forget it becasue I had just turned 30 and Mom turned 60 and it was her birthday the day we arrived. Our winters are cold and we get a some snow here, but it always melts away within a day or two and its nothing like NY where I grew up.  Last winter was the worse winter since I have been here.  Lots of snow days for me. This winter started out a few weeks early and this is the secon...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Merry Christmas from Franklin, NC It's Christmas Eve morning and Jack Frost is nipping at my nose.  We are suppose to have a White Christmas this year here in Franklin, NC.   I grew up in Glens Falls, NY where we had a White Christmas every year that I can remember. I loved to ice skate, build igloo's (forts for snowball fights), sledding down Pete's Hill, and hitching rides on the back of cars.  We always lost a glove doing that.    Christmas Eve us kids put on plays for the grown ups and they sang Christmas songs.  My favorite was my mother and her two sisters singing Silent Night in harmony.  I miss that.  On Christmas morning we couldn't wait to see what Saint Nick had brought us.  It was the earliest I would ever get up as a kid. Then it was the family breakfast, get dressed and ou...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Looking to buy a home - start a business in Franklin, NC Franklin is a small mountain town surrounded by beautiful streams, waterfalls, mountains, hills and valleys. There is also plenty of fishing, hunting, hiking trails, rafting and kayaking. The Franklin area is the Gem Capitol of the World, so try your hand at mining you may find a Gem worth keeping.  It's a lot of fun for the whole family.  A refreshing change of pace is Franklin, NC and it is on the move.  Currently The Main Street Program was formed for downtown Franklin to rekindle the town to grow and flurish.  During peak season Franklin, NC doubles in population. This little town should not be overlooked. It is a wonderful place to live, work, play and retire. Wether you looking to buy a home or srtart a new business give me ...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
  When are my taxes due in Macon County NC?     I get calls every year from buyers wanting to know why they are getting a tax bill.  Here in Macon County, NC when you buy a property all taxes are prorated and it depends on what time of the year it is whether or not you will be getting a bill in the mail.  Another frequent question is, how come my mortgage company didn't pay my tax bill?    Frequently Asked Questions?   I sold this property - Why am I getting this bill? North Carolina Law states that all taxable real property shall be listed in the name of the owner as of January 1st each year. If this is a bill for real property that you sold on or after January 1 of the current year, please forward a copy of the tax bill the current owner. It is our policy to notify the new owner as so...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Franklin, NC Arts and Entertainment Looking to get into the Christmas Spirit?  Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts offers movies to the public from time to time.  They have HD/3D pictures and surround sound.  Tickets are sold at the door and seats will be first come first serve.  Why not take advantage of this offer right here in Franklin, NC.  Here are two wonderful movies starting tonight.  Both movie's admissions are just $3 Tuesday, December 21st, 2010 It's A Wonderful Life when:Dec 21, 2010 at 7:00pm where:1024 Georgia Road, Franklin, NC from:Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts  Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010 White Christmas when:Dec 22, 2010 at 7:00pm where:1024 Georgia Road, Franklin, NC from:Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts 
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
And the Winner of the Harley's for Habitat for Humanity is ~  Its has been a long five months or so selling $25 tickets to raise money for the Franklin, NC Habitat for Humanity.  I joined the Board at the beginning of the year wanting to give back to my community. We who came up with this bright idea anyway?   My first project was handed over to me to raffle off a New Harley-Davidson.  My first reaction, "We can do this"!  I have been riding my own Harley for over 20 years and I have friends who will help.   My first idea was to get a local club involved in a Poker-Run.  Thanks to everyone on this run it was the worst ride of my life and everyone finished in the pouring rain!  We will never forget this run and we did raise some money and sold a few tickets. Ticket sales were slow so we ...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
  Franklin, NC Land is selling - Heritage Hills Subdivision lot just sold at a great price.   You could not beat this unheard of price on this lot for sale in Franklin, NC.  That is why it sure didn't last long.  Land is starting to sell here in the mountains.   And my Sellers were Happy campers! Why? Low prices, great interest rates, lots to choose from.   This one acre lot with electric and water sold for $10,500! Heritage Hills Franklin, NC is in Cartoogechaye Community.  This was a steal.  Lot #32 - 1.00 Acre in Beautiful Heritage Hills. Good views once house site is cleared, especially in winter. Paved all the way to lot. No need to drill a well there is community well.  This subdivision has very nice homes built in it.  It's like living in the Natural setting of the forest in Fran...
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By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
It's going to snow & be cold in Franklin NC tips to be prepared Here in Franklin, NC mountains and surrounding areas have been warned that snow is coming and we are going to see some cold temperatures.  In this area we have a lot of second homes.  Most people are in Florida or another warmer area for the winter.  Some to come back for the holidays because it just don't seem like Christmas without the cold or snow. Although I think we don't get that must snow it does get cold her in Franklin. 1.  Leave your heat on at least 50 degrees while your away. Most homes here have wells for a water source and that leads to freezing pipes.  If you are here leave the sinks dripping if you have pipes on outside walls. Get a professional to drain your pipes & water heater. 2.  Make sure you have a fu...
Comments 13
By June Tassillo, Let me help you with the next phase of your life!
(Owner/Broker RE/MAX Elite Realty)
Franklin, NC seen its first snow flurries already this year. Can you believe its December already?  Even more so, can you believe we have seen it snow already?  Well, its just a dusting of snow down here but the Mountain tops sure are pretty.  This was taken this morning as I was headed out Hwy. 64 West.  This is Wayah Bald in Macon County and it is famous around here for the views & hiking.  This is also the Nantahala Forest.  Most of this land is protected and too steep to build on anyway.  I love going up to the rest areas and having lunch and looking down on a beautiful view. Heading south won't help you either because the south is freezing too I hear! Tis the Season! Another place I seen on the way was where you can buy fresh Christmas Tress's every year on the corner of Palmer St....
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