
Montgomery County, MD Real Estate News

Historic Covered Bridges Driving TourNorthern Frederick County is home to three historic covered bridges. All three bridges are listed on the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places. The Utica, Loy’s Station, and Roddy Road covered bridges all cross streams in northern Frederick County, within twelve miles of one another. Besides their beauty, the bridges are also structurally interesting, as all three have different truss systems (which is what keeps a bridge standing).Click here for more details and driving instructions.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement. Blue Potato Bush, Lycianthes rantonnetii, Conservatory Display, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 1603Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kell...
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Nominations Sought for Environmental AwardsNominations are being accepted for the City’s Environmental Awards, an annual program that recognizes individuals and groups for their commitment to the environment.City residents, businesses, neighborhood associations, and organizations within Gaithersburg’s City limits are eligible. Schools and entities whose student body or membership is comprised of at least 10 percent City residents may also apply. Individuals or organizations that do not meet the requirements listed above but have provided a significant benefit to Gaithersburg residents are eligible for a Green Friend of Gaithersburg category of awards. Submit nominations for efforts completed in 2024 by Friday, February 28. Early submissions are highly encouraged.Click here to learn more...
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Book Festival High School Poetry Contest ReminderCalling all young poets! Submissions are being accepted for the Gaithersburg Book Festival Annual High School Poetry Contest. This year’s topic is “Civic Duty.” Winners will be announced during the 2025 Gaithersburg Book Festival on May 17 at Bohrer Park. Poems may be submitted online here by midnight on February 21. Click here for more details.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement. Dahlia, Best Bett, Longwood Gardens,Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG_7443Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Roy Kelley
Fix-It Fair Student Mentor ProgramDo you know a high school student who is interested in learning valuable repair skills while giving back to the community? The Fix-It Fair is hosting a student mentor program, which pairs students with experienced volunteer Fixers who will guide and teach students the basics of repairing household items like appliances, textiles, bikes, and more. Students will earn SSL hours. The Fix-It Fair takes place on Saturday, February 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Casey Community Center. Spaces are limited. Click here to learn more.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement. Spoon Chrysanthemum, Longwood Gardens,Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 6716Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Roy Kelley
Transit Equity Day, Feb. 4In honor of Rosa Parks and Transit Equity Day, all Montgomery County Ride On buses will be FREE on February 4. This includes Ride On, Ride On extRa, Flash, and Flex buses. View more: is a Montgomery County, Maryland announcement.  Dahlia, Sorbet, National Capital Dahlia Society Show, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, Maryland USA IMG 3004Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Barbara Michaluk, Leisure World Specialist / Full Service REALTOR
(Weichert Realtors | Phone Direct 240-506-2434 | 301-681-0550 office)
Living Healthy as a Senior: Tips for a Vibrant Life Aging is a natural part of life, and embracing it with a healthy lifestyle can make your golden years some of the best. Living healthy as a senior is about maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some practical tips to help you thrive: Stay Physically ActiveRegular exercise is crucial for maintaining strength, flexibility, and balance. Activities like walking, swimming, or yoga are excellent low-impact options. Strength training can help prevent muscle loss and improve bone density. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week, and always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. Eat a Balanced DietNutrition plays a key role in overall health. Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vege...
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Avian Influenza in a Montgomery County Backyard FlockAccording to the Maryland Department of Agriculture, H5N1 avian influenza—a highly contagious virus that affects birds—has been detected in Montgomery County. Protect your flock by registering today—it helps track at-risk birds is a Montgomery County, Maryland announcement. Gazania, Asteraceae, Kentlands Photowalk,Gaithersburg, Maryland USA IMG 0657 ACanon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Will Tariffs on Canada Result in Higher New Home Prices?The United States imports a significant amount of lumber from Canada, with some estimates suggesting that over 85% of the lumber imported to the US comes from Canada.   Explanation Lumber imports The US imports about 30% of its lumber, and more than 85% of those imports come from Canada.   Softwood lumber Canada is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of softwood lumber. Dimension softwood lumber is the main material used in home construction.   Housing market The demand for lumber is closely tied to the housing market in both the US and Canada.   Trade policies Trade policy changes between the US and Canada can affect the viability of the Canadian sawmill industry.  Penta, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvan...
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By Roy Kelley
VITA Program Kicks Off Tax Season The Montgomery County Community Action Agency’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program kicked off the tax season by celebrating Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Awareness Day. Partners, elected officials, community leaders, and residents gathered at the Activity Center at Bohrer Park to emphasize the importance of claiming the EITC and raise awareness about the free tax assistance offered through the VITA program for Montgomery County residents with a household income of $67,000 or less. Information about Montgomery County VITA sites, tax credits and how to schedule an appointment is available at Community Center is hosting a VITA site on Mondays from 2 to 8 p.m. Preparation is done by IRS-trained volunteers ...
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Rockville Musical Theatre - Be More Chill Be More ChillIn partnership with Rockville Musical TheatreFebruary 7 - 23Friday & Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m.“Be More Chill” is a universal, sci-fi tinged story about the competing voices in all our heads. It's just your atypical love story – a guy (he wants to fit in), a girl (she wants to be noticed), and the supercomputer inside the guy's head that tells him what to do (it wants to take over the world). Click here to purchase tickets.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement. Gerbera Daisy, Tangerine, Kentlands Photowalk,Gaithersburg, Maryland USA IMG 0710Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Gaithersburg 2025 Storm Drain Art Contest Calling all artists! Submit your design for the 2025 Storm Drain Art Contest and help protect the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Open to all agesDeadline: Feb 22, 2025Winners announced: Mar 22, 2025 (World Water Day)Learn more and submit: is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement.  Dahlia, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, Maryland USA IMG_5771Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs 
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By Roy Kelley
Looking for a Furry Friend? Join us Saturday, Feb 1, from 12–3 PM at Falls Road Veterinary Hospital (Potomac, MD) to meet amazing adoptable dogs!Not ready to adopt? Stop by anyway—you might just fall in love!This is a Montgomery County, Maryland announcement. Blue Asters, Kentlands Photowalk, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA IMG 0089Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs 
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Gaithersburg Historic District Commission VacancyWe're seeking to fill one full member and one alternate spot on Gaithersburg’s Historic District Commission! Help preserve our City’s heritage and shape its future.Learn more and apply: is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement.This opening provdes an opportunity for you to share your knowlege and experience with the community. 
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By Roy Kelley
Home Improvement Energy Tax CreditsWhen you replace old doors and windows, install solar panels, or upgrade a hot water heater, you reduce your energy bills. But the cost of making these energy-efficient improvements can be daunting. That's where the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit and the Residential Clean Energy Credit — two possible tax credits — can be helpful.You can claim the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit for improvements, additions or renovations to an existing home, but not for a newly constructed one. The following costs qualify: Exterior doors, windows, skylights and insulation materials Central air conditioners, water heaters, furnaces, boilers and heat pumps Biomass stoves and boilers Home energy audits The credit is a percentage of the total improvement ...
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Gaithersburg Black History Month CelebrationsThe City celebrates and honors Black History Month with educational programs, exhibits and an official proclamation. Explore all programs and events here.An official proclamation designating February 2025 as “Black History Month” in the City of Gaithersburg will be presented at the February 3 Mayor and City Council meeting. The public is welcome to attend the meeting at 16 S. Summit Hall Ave., watch it live on YouTube or watch it via Zoom by registering here.Accepting the proclamation is Reverend Timothy Warner of Emory Grove Methodist Church. A dedicated leader, Rev. Warner is committed to serving the community and is passionate about assisting individuals, organizations, and communities in achieving their goals, especially during periods of...
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Gaithersburg Spring Sports RegistrationRegister now for Spring Youth and Teen Sports programs, including soccer, volleyball, track and field, speed and agility, and Start Smart™ programs for 4 to 6 year-olds in baseball and soccer. Registration deadline is February 25. Some programs have limited space and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Click here for more information and to register.  Chrysanthemum, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, Maryland USA IMG 3458Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Roy Kelley
Recommended Author: Michael ConnellyDolores and I have enjoyed the books by Michael Connelly and recommend them for your reading list. Click on the link to reach his website. Michael Connelly was born in Philadelphia, PA on July 21, 1956. He moved to Florida with his family when he was 12 years old. Michael decided to become a writer after discovering the books of Raymond Chandler while attending the University of Florida. Once he decided on this direction he chose a major in journalism and a minor in creative writing — a curriculum in which one of his teachers was novelist Harry Crews.After graduating in 1980, Connelly worked at newspapers in Daytona Beach and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, primarily specializing in the crime beat.  In Fort Lauderdale he wrote about police and crime during ...
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Arts Barn Concert Series - James Fernando TrioJames Fernando TrioPiano Trio at the Intersection of Jazz, Classical and ElectronicSaturday, February 1, 7:30 p.m.Hailed as a “prodigiously gifted composer and virtuoso pianist,” James Fernando and his Philly-based jazz ensemble masterfully present a refreshing take on the piano trio format. Featuring Eliot Seppa on bass and Kyon Williams on drums, this band invites audiences to enjoy a joyful, sensitive, and exciting journey steeped in the tradition of jazz greats while standing firmly in the present. With special guest, Kian Linam. Click here to purchase tickets.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcementArts Barn 301-258-6394 311 Kent Square RoadGaithersburg, MD 20878 Tuesday - Saturday: 1 - 5 p.m. Lo...
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By Roy Kelley
Happy Lunar New Year!Wishing you a year filled with health, happiness, and prosperity.View activities here: is a Montgomery County, Maryland announcement. Chrysanthemum, Longwood Gardens,Kennett Square Pennsylvania USA IMG 6809Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Public Hearing on Proposed Solar PlantThe Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) is hosting a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4, to comment on a proposal by Chaberton Solar Sugarloaf I, LLC to construct a 4.0 MW solar generating facility in Montgomery County. The hearing will be held at the Upper Montgomery County Volunteer Fire Department, located at 19801 Beallsville Road in Beallsville. The first public comment hearing in this case was held on July 10, 2024.  In March 2024, Chaberton Solar Sugarloaf applied to the PSC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), which grants an applicant the authority to construct an energy-generating station or high-voltage transmission line in Maryland. According to the application, the solar facility, intended as pa...
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