
Coral Gables, FL Real Estate News

By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
Commercial Real Estate holds strong! We are experiencing a very busy time practicing commercial real estate thanks to an increase on activity of Tenants and Investors. Moving forward to the next quinquennium we should look at the coming market trends, I do not have a crystal ball to anticipate the future but I strongy believe we should pay attention to important indicators as:Sources for InvestmentThe availability of funds to be invested in Commercial Real Estate are increasing year after year with expectation to be above 40% by the end of 2019. As confidence returns to real estate, the industry faces a number of fundamental shifts that will shape its future. The good folks at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have looked into the likely changes in the real estate landscape over the coming y...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
RENOVACIÓN DE CONTRATOS DE ARRENDAMIENTO DE OFICINASEn general los inquilinos de oficinas se encuentran en desventaja con el propietario ("Landlord") al momento de la renovación de sus contratos de arrendamiento. La mayoría de los contratos de arrendamiento tienden a favorecer en especial con las cláusulas de renovación o opciones. El propietario tiende a tomar ventaja por que sabe que el inquilino no querrá dejar el espacio y mudarse, incurriendo en gastos considerables y en una interrupción de sus operaciones. El inquilino deberá contratar lis servíos de un corredor COMERCIAL experimentado, que pueda realizar un estudio de rentas en el área para presentárselo al dueño y enseñarle que su espacio actual tiene competencia y se podrían obtener mejores beneficios financieros mudándose al o...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
RENOVACIÓN DE CONTRATOS DE ARRENDAMIENTO DE OFICINASEn general los inquilinos de oficinas se encuentran en desventaja con el propietario ("Landlord") al momento de la renovación de sus contratos de arrendamiento. La mayoría de los contratos de arrendamiento tienden a favorecer en especial con las cláusulas de renovación o opciones. El propietario tiende a tomar ventaja por que sabe que el inquilino no querrá dejar el espacio y mudarse, incurriendo en gastos considerables y en una interrupción de sus operaciones. El inquilino deberá contratar lis servíos de un corredor COMERCIAL experimentado, que pueda realizar un estudio de rentas en el área para presentárselo al dueño y enseñarle que su espacio actual tiene competencia y se podrían obtener mejores beneficios financieros mudándose al o...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
I would  like to wish to all my fellow rainers, a wonderful and prosperous 2016. May the grace and the happiness rain over your hearts and those of your love ones.  Please stay healthy and stick to your plan for 2016 with love and understanding. You will accomplish all your goals, even your dreams! God Bless you
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
The industry of Commercial Real has definitively changed because clients have now access to tons of information about the markets and about the properties in specific. Years before the commercial brokers had the information in their hands and formed secret fraternities to exchange listings and wants from the buyers. In those times only the commercial brokers possessed the data and sellers, landlords, tenants and investors were obligated to used them.Nowadays with the Internet the situation has changed dramatically, clients can have easy access to the market directly or indirectly, it is called globalization or googlelization. I personally think that nowadays exist many more opportunities in the Industry for savvy commercial brokers, but they have to go far and beyond what a commercial t...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
Inversión al Alcance de Todos - CrowdfundingCrowfunding es la practica de levantar fondos para un proyecto nuevo de un gran número de personas, típicamente vía la internet. Un inversionista de participaciones de capital lo ha definido "Como el proceso de levantar fondos de dos o más personas a través de la Internet para lograr un servicio común, un proyecto, un producto o una inversión.El modelo de Crowfunding esta compuesto por tres tipos de participantes: el originado del proyecto que es quien propone la idea, individuales o grupos que apoyan la idea, y una organización moderadora (La Plataforma) la cual junta a las partes par lanzar el proyecto. En el 2013 la industria del Crowfunding creció en el mundo sobre los 5.1 mil millones según un reportaje de Forbes, mercados emergentes. Est...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
NEW YORK CITY—Earlier this month, the $300-million securitized loan on Bush Terminal in Brooklyn, a six-million-square-foot industrial and office complex better known as Industry City, paid off with a full recovery to the loan’s A note and a near-total loss on the B note. It serves as an illustration of why Fitch Ratings continues to expect no recoveries from so-called “hope notes.” The reason for the ratings agency’s dismal assessment is that hope notes, which divide single loans into an interest-paying A note and an interest-accruing B note, don’t provide sufficient incentive for their borrowers to repay. That’s the case even as improving conditions in many subsectors of the US CMBS market will give a boost some efforts to modify legacy commercial loans, according to Fitch.
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
Hope Note or Wish Note?A “Hope Note” is a restructured financing based on the hope that the borrower will get a piece of the upside equity at a future sale. It was a mechanism used in Commercial Real Estate in the USA after the big market crash in 2010. A&B note structure: The lender creates two tiers of debt—an A note (the existing loan that has been reworked with a lower principal amount) and a B note (a new loan for part or all of the principal reduction agreed to on the A note). The B note will usually be subordinate to any additional equity investment, but it ensures the lender can recover some of the forgiven principal in the event the property value improves over time. “Hope” note or equity participation: The lender reduces principal or changes the terms of the existing note in e...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
Administración de Propiedades Comerciales Administración de propiedades comerciales es una actividad crucial para optimizar los beneficios de una propiedad comercial al reducir los gastos operativos y aumentar los ingresos. Las tres gastos operativos más importantes son: Los impuestos sobre la propiedad, seguro de propiedad y Mantenimiento. Impuestos sobre la propiedad: los impuestos a la propiedad, así como evaluar el valor de la propiedad deben ser monitoreados constantemente para poder comparar con los valores del mercado y compararlos con los valores del mismo tipo de propiedades. Para lograr una reducción se debe presentar un recurso de apelación tributario al condado pertinente, Miami- Dade, Broward, etc. Después de realizar un análisis realizado por profesionales con los conocimi...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
Does Brand Really Matters? I'm going to start my article citing Jennifer Walker-Derby a prominent realtor in Atlanta, Georgia: "No matter how hard I tried, I could not break the $225,000 housing barrier (meaning sellers with homes valued over $225,000 did not trust my “no name brokerage” with the sale of their home). My first listing call after joining ReMax was for a $450,000 home. While a 75-80% success rate in obtaining the listings I competed for is impressive, since joining ReMax my conversion rating is now over 95% Let me ask you a simple question. When you go to the grocery store and cruise down the aisles, do you pick up Coke or RC Cola? Kraft Mac & Cheese or the store brand? As a society we tend to put more trust in the brands that we see advertised, hence the “as seen on TV” v...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
Intercambio 1031 Un intercambio 1031, también conocido como impuesto diferido exchange es una simple estrategia y método para vender una propiedad y adquirir otra la cual califique, dentro de un marco de tiempo específico. La logística y el proceso de venta de una propiedad y, a continuación, comprar otra propiedad son prácticamente idénticos a los de cualquier venta y compra estandarizada, un "intercambio 1031" es única, porque toda la transacción se trata como un intercambio y no como un simple venta. Esta es la diferencia entre "intercambio" y no simplemente compra y venta que, al final, le permite al contribuyente(s) obtener tratamiento diferido. El intercambio de una propiedad representa un método reconocido para diferir el pago de impuestos sobre ganancias de capital y es importan...
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By Rei Mesa
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty)
If you know Portuguese, then you may be in a prime position as a real estate professional in the South Florida area. This is because Brazilian buyers continue to be the most active in the Coral Gables homes for sale market and the South Florida region, in terms of global consumers.According to the MIAMI Association of REALTORS®, Brazil has taken the number one spot for foreign countries looking for real estate in South Florida, including Coral Gables homes for sale, in the last 15 out of 16 months. The only time Brazil slipped was in July 2015 when Columbia took the lead.Other countries taking interest in the South Florida recently are Ecuador and Israel.Learn more about the global market and its interest in South Florida real estate.
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By Rei Mesa
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty)
Autumn typically sees the real estate market slowing down, and this year will probably be no exception for some markets in the country. The trend to settle into the holiday season may have your expectations almost looking for slow downs in the housing market, but there are predictions that seem quite stimulating for the next few months.Analysts are predicting the continued move toward a healthier more normalized real estate market, even in areas like Weston luxury homes, Coral Gables luxury homes and similar properties.See what other trends mortgage analysts and real estate professionals are predicting so you can plan your end of the year and start of the new one.
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
On June 12th, the Coral Gables commission approved the city’s biggest development project ever—“The Mediterranean Village” a 7.1-acre Coral Gables project once known as Old Spanish Village.After more than three years of hard and persistent work the project got finally approved. The massive $500 million plan developed by Agave Ponce LLC will include:a high-end business hoteloffice space restaurants,retail establishments and a gym214 condo units and 15 townhouses.Construction paper work will take about six (6) months, plus three (3) months to apply for building permits. The project is estimated to be completed in four (4) years including the paper work and permitting time. The developer is Agave Holdings, LLC a company related to the tequila giant José Cuervo. Agave is the owner and opera...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
On June 12th, the Coral Gables commission approved the city’s biggest development project ever—“The Mediterranean Village” a 7.1-acre Coral Gables project once known as Old Spanish Village.After more than three years of hard and persistent work the project got finally approved. The massive $500 million plan developed by Agave Ponce LLC will include: a high-end business hotel office space restaurants, retail establishments and a gym 214 condo units and 15 townhouses. Construction paper work will take about six (6) months, plus three (3) months to apply for building permits. The project is estimated to be completed in four (4) years including the paper work and permitting time.The developer is Agave Holdings, LLC a company related to the tequila giant José Cuervo. Agave is the owner and o...
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By JM Padron, CCIM, CCP, MRICS, CCIM, CCP, International Commercial Broker
The Coral Gables submarket continues to strengthen with office vacancy reaching historical lows and all time high sales prices being set. Most notably the Ponce de Leon Blvd corridor has experienced tremendous growth in multifamily, retail and office.Properties benefit from the acquisition and planned redevelopment of Douglas entrance. Among the relevant factors that contribute to the strength of the Coral Gables office market are: The institutional quality, amenities, easy access/egress, and proximity to the Miami International Airport. Companies are looking to consolidate their headquarters in the gables area. For instance HBO Latin America just consolidated its headquarters by leasing 70,000 square feet at 396 Alhambra Circle. Definitively Miami is the hub for Latin America, and the ...
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By Rei Mesa
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty)
Hurricane windows in Florida homes, such as Coral Gables luxury homes, have become standard. Home owners without them are turning more frequently to impact glass. This home improvement addition is a great preventative measure in the Florida area, and add value to a home upon resale.What home owners need to be aware of are the new energy codes that were instituted this year by the Florida Building Commission. These changes affect how insulated impact glass windows are made, and are meeting with a lot of resistance from manufacturers. Learn more about the new energy codes and how these newly instituted rules might be changing.
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By Rei Mesa
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty)
Real estate professionals always need to stay abreast of the latest market trends in order to keep themselves as well as their customers informed. One of the newest shifts in the real estate arena is the use of digital media.Whether it is searching to buy homes for sale in Oviedo or renting Coral Gables luxury homes, knowing how consumers are using the latest in digital technology in their home search process was the goal of study conducted by Google and the National Association of Realtors.Learn more about how today’s uber-connected home buyer is using the digital marketplace and what role real estate professional do and can play to stay competitive.
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By Rei Mesa
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty)
According to a new study, immigrants are becoming increasingly an important part of the U.S. home buying home market.Whether it is Coral Gables luxury homes, Palm Beach Gardens luxury homes, or properties across the nation, can immigrants be expected to assimilate enough to buy their own homes and become an important part of the real estate market?A study released by the Center for American Progress projects immigrants’ integration into American society through the year 2030, entitled “Assimilation Tomorrow” examines this topic and how America’s immigrants will be integrating.Authored by University of Southern California Professor Dowell Myers that teaches, researches, and studies demography and urban planning in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development, along with USC Research A...
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By Rei Mesa
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty)
Available mortgage credit continues to increase, which is great news for home buyers looking at Coral Gables luxury homes, Weston luxury homes, or other similar real estate properties. According to the monthly report from the Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI), credit availability is loosening across the nation. August numbers are just another indicator that mortgage credit availability is becoming more obtainable for interested home buyers. In fact, the MCAI shows mortgage credit availability has increased 8 of the past 9 months. The MCAI comes from a study by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA). Learn more about the August available mortgage credit report.
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