Sure, Casey, I'll help if I can. Call me sometime tomorrow - if I'm out, leave a message and I'll call you back.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
You'll enjoy speaking with Dick Greenberg.
Roger D. Mucci may tell you ten minutes may not be enough time though.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Thanks to Dick Greenberg for stepping up to the plate!
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
As Roger D. Mucci will tell you, Dick Greenberg is a sound choice!
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Casey, I am happy to talk with you. These days, my focus is more on listings. However, I do with they buyers (just not a lot) and have worked with buyers a lot over the past 14 years. Call me anytime today before 6pm PST.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
nice offer by Dick Greenberg .... learn from the best....
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Good luck with your interviews. This will be a good blog topic for you.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Casey Walton I do see some volunteers for this - and if you still need some more, let me know (though I will be tied up on Sunday.)
Or you can email me the questions, if that works for you.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
looks like you already got some great volunteers, best of luck with your software
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Call anytime. I will be back home from vacation on Monday.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
All the best to you with this project Casey, I would not be much help since I am not a buyers agent, but hope you find plenty of helpful people here.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Casey Walton I'll be happy to talk with you tomorrow after 1 pm CST .. I've been an ABR for about 20 years.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
I'm pretty open tomorrow after 11:00 my time. I'm down to help if I can.
Casey Walton
Ann Arbor, MI
Thank you so much for helping a young entrepreneur out Dick. The questions will be basic, but will help me out a great deal as I validate and continue to explore this project.