In our area normally the seller pays for all inspections. Some charge for a re-inspection charge others don't.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
the home inspector should charge something for the second inspection of the area that was corrected....
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Often there is a charge for the appraiser to go back and check.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Yes! Our time is valuable too. There is windshield time that many do not take into account.
No true professional works for free...I would never expect the inspector to re-inspect for free, unless they make that offer.
I would think a fee is require. In our Market the Buyer is responsible for all inspection fees.
The Buyer is responsible for a reinspection, if necessary. However, you should make sure you get documentation from the Seller, showing the issue was addressed. Most inspectors would return at a reduced fee, since it is a quick in and out check on the home. OR, if it is a small issue (i.e., hole in wall to wiring), Buyer can easily look at issue and see it has been repaired, and there is no need for a 2nd inspection by licensed inspector. I guess it depends upon the issue. Many times an inspector will tell you the problem and show you what to look for, shoudl Seller repair.
In our area most home inspectors charge a fee to come back out and re-inspect repairs made by the seller. This is a cost borne by the buyer as it is their independent inspector representing buyer's interests.
I would allow the buyer to work out the cost implications with their inspector or contractor. At minimum, having receipts for repairs from licensed professionals is generally requested to confirm work done by someone that knows what they are doing.
Yes, an inspection of troubled areas should have a fee.
Packaged as a benefit for using you.
Don't let the buyer assume no cost is involved.
However, if the inspection report contains more the 10 nonsense items, the second trip should be FREE.