David, this may just be the question of the century! Maybe we should stop electing those people.
I've asked this question many times, and no one can give me the correct answer.
Because they make the laws and the rules to suit them. They think it is a perk.That is why so many clamor to get elected and quickly forget all their political promises.
Not sure I can agree that they do whatever they want. If so, that might include hauling away anyone who spoke poorly of "them" on an open forum...
The number 1 reason is they make the laws and exclused themselves. The most recent law they did that with was Obamacare. We have to live with it but they do not!
Because the masses, who control elections, are more worried about keeping up with the Kardashians than what's going on with our country. The Feds wouldnt have any control if people woke up, realized how they operate, and did something about it. Ron Paul wanted to end the Fed & IRS, and he was mocked & laughed at. He may have had a 'crazy old uncle' demeanor, but he had a lot of good ideas that people dismissed completely out of ignorance.
David, people need to speak up and demand accountability! If we did they would! People are not informed and have no interest. Also it would appear a lot of the news stories are not covered be network TV so the public who does watch the network news know little about the story unless they read!
Good case in point was a year ago when the IRS had been seizing tax refunds of adult children whose deceased parents were alleged by the Social Security Administration to have received an overpayment dating back to the 1960's!!!
The SSA provided no documentation and they had the IRS go after the tax refunds of the adult children, without any due process because the parents were dead! The Washington Post broke the story and people picked up on it and the SSA and IRA stopped immediately due to Congressional pressure. A democratic government needs a vigorous free press!!!