I work in Starbucks all the time, and I do get leads. But, I have never approached anyone. They approah me due to my laptop sticker and/or my branded shirt.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
Jane - Here's a post about it. Just got another lead from my laptop sticker.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
Hi Jane -- I don't and I know there are people who do it as well as those who use more subtle methods such as Debbie Gartner.
I believe each of us has to do what fits our personality and style. It needs to be natural and genuine.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
No. Perhaps I'm missing opportunities but I don't generally approach people for business when in lines. I wouldn't like it if someone did that to me, so I choose not to do it.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I get photography work all the time because of a label on my computer. I get it Debbie. How I just need to print out a sticker that reads, "Need a REALTOR®?'' or "What's your house worth?" and slap that on my computer. :)
They just opened a SBUX near my office. I haven't gone in with laptop and nametag/company shirt yet, but that is certainly in the plans.
Like Debbie Gartner I NEVER approach others but clearly have the 'Open for Real Estate Business' welcome mat on display. (they can spot the REMAX logo from 600 miles away)
The ALWAYS ask, "How's the real estate market?"
I ALWAYS respond, "Real estate is a very local business that is relevant only on a community level. What community do you live in?"
At this rate I'm never going to get my novel completed being stationed at Starbucks. Do you think Rawlings had a 'Don't bother me' sticker on display?
My opening line is "Do you want to buy a house?" If they say "No" then I say "Do you want to sell a house ?" I usually do it in fun. They laugh and since the whole conversation is light hearted, sometimes they know of someone that they refer me to or they end up working with me. Nobody likes salesperson, because they don't like pressure, but they do like people with a sense of humor. It works for me!