yeah it can be tough to discern a legit complaint and a manipulative complaint. Some folks have figured out that most people do want their clients/customers/fellow humans etc to be happy - so by complaining and never being happy they have learned that they get more out of people. Spot them early and get such folks off your plate.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Jill Moog
Carlsbad, CA
I love tough clients; sometimes they're just waiting for exceptional service!
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
there are always some folks who cannot be pleased, especially when money is involved....
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
It is true, Spirit. I had a buyer a few years ago...he had a long list of must haves for his property purchase. I spent a lot of time and worked to make him see he was being a bit unrealistic. He still hasn't bought anything, and I quite wasting my time a long time ago.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Hi Spirit -- some clients --- of course. At least now, it's closed, it's over, it's done...onto the next and hopefully more appreciative clients.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Wow Holleay Parcker - Spinnaker Realty - Serving Clients From Corolla to Hatteras , that is spot on.
Those who feel diminished have a way of trying to diminish others. We need to be aware and not allow these to devalue our day, our life, our relationships simply because, for a moment, a expectation of outside validation was allowed into our thinking.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Hi Spirit;
So the client made a remark that he was frustrated...his complaints are quite minor, actually.
It isn't what he said that really matters, it's what you chose to do with what he said.
You thought about it...you may have talked with co-workers about it...mentioned it to your wife...it bothered you enough that you actually made a question and answer post about it...and read the comments...
And in all of that, all that was accomplished was you kept that 'I feel frustrated and unappreciated' vibe alive...which did not impact the seller in any way, but did diminish your day and did take away some of your joy.
You don't know where the seller really was that day, mentally. He could have had a knock-down, drag-out fight with his wife; somebody could have hit his dog with a car; his boss could have jumped down his throat.
And he kicked the closest person he could, which was you...
Don't take this so personally; I really doubt his comments had anything to do with you... You are looking outward for validation, and you don't need to. You know you went above and beyond. You know the service you provided!
Why allow his offhand comment to ruin your day??
Stay in your center, live in your happy place, Spirit. And you'll find that those types of people will not come into your experience, because the Universe will 'weed' them out.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Yes some people are just mean people. Some people are born nasty and rude. No changing them
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Spirit, I have seen that on occasion, and know that if you have done your best we just can't make everyone happy!
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Yes, i believe that is true. Those are the ones I refer out to someone else.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
It is true, some think we earn easy money
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Thanks for the great answers. Annette Lawrence, he thanks me when I was pulling the weeds. Just wasnt enough, I guess he wanted me to "control" the buyer, I only represented the seller on this transaction, which we sold for $15K more than he bought it for a year ago. I chalk that up in the WIN column.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
There is always a rotten apple (or two) who make it bad for them all! Sometimes no matter what you do, you won't make them happy. So we give 100% with them all and the few that are unhappy, well, we tried to please them all.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
I agree, and we have all seen them, hopefully not one after another!
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Spirit Messingham this is why comprehensive records are so crucial. Buyers and sellers simply do not know everything their agent does. They lose track of the number of homes shown to them and the number of times you visited the home in preparation for a showing. The seller is unaware of the frogs removed from toilets or big bugs that crawled up the drain, the buyer who wanted to let the kids run wild, the dead animal in the yard, the snake in the lania, the lubricant on the front door lock (seller always uses garage) the open and abandoned permits that had to be chased down, reining in the inspector, how you saved the appraisal, the strategies, the trade craft you brought into play, how you got the price they didn't believe possible!
In your example the seller was unhappy because "the buyer asked for items on BINSR (which seller didn't agree to) and that they sent the wire in towards the end of the day." Seller is not unhappy with you...but with the situation caused by the buyer."
This was your 'ta-ta-ta-da' to bring out the evidence. You agree with the seller regarding the buyer, but reinforce the GREAT decision the seller made hiring you. "Let me show you,", you say, "what you never saw." Open the folder with the picts of you weeding, fixing, hauling, tending...and the long list of showings and all the feedback and the dynamics you created with a event open house, and how those 50 visitors were essential to getting THE price.
'Wow!" expresses the seller. 'Thank you."
"My pleasure," you reply. "You can always count on me and I know I can always count on you to introduce me to the people you care about because you want your family, friends and neighbors to get the best advice when its time sell, don't you? Who is the next person you know that is most likely to sell?"
Moral to the story.
We don't do what we do expecting a 'thank you.' Fully embracing this, not expecting a thank you, our ability to give is INCREASED. However, being really, really, really bright folks like we all are, we keep record because, "This is a business, not a hobby."
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
I saw a cartoon once that showed two angels in heaven standing by a suggestion box. One angel asks the other why there's a suggestion box in heaven since things are so great there. The other angel responds that some people aren't happy unless they can complain. So true.
I'll add that even when people complain, they're not really happy. Some people live to be unhappy and to try and make it the fault of others.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Yes, it's true. Some people will complain no matter what.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Glad I am not the only one. Still, I dont want to use it as an excuse to give less than 100%. To be fair, many clients (majority) of the clients I work with seem to appreicate the extra effort(s).
Good luck out there.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Sadly, yes sometimes that is true, no matter how hard you worked, how much above and beyond you went it may go unappreciated. But don't despair YOU know you did your best!
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Yes, there really are some people who just aren't happy unless they are complaning or unhappy (especially rough if it is someone you know personally!). I always remind myself of what a realtor friend told me when I was new in the biz and we were working together on a difficult transaction - "The best revenge is that paycheck that you can really enjoy because you have no doubts at all that you earned it!" Just move forward knowing you must be an outstanding agent to be able to accomplish a successful sale in spite of that kind of client and enjoy & appreciate the ones who are more reasonable. :>)
Of course it is true. We can't please all our family members, work associates, friends or acquaintances. It is the way it is, it is life. Some people are never happy and highly critical.
Spirit Messingham All we can do is our very best for our clients. Knowing that we've done our best, the rest is just background noise.
Absolutely. Some people are just miserable ole souls that wouldn't be happy if they won the dang lottery!
Easiest question of the day; YEP! You just have to realize thats how it is.
It is like suggesting someone to eat everything and try to find joy in all kinds of food. But I'm vegetarian, sorry.
Why not to focus on clients that really value your expertise and experience and not on those who bring negative energy( nothing personal, some people just do it, they drain your energy and waste your time).