Interesting. We keep a fire estinguisher in the kitchen for this very reason, makes a good closing present for home buyers as well :)
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I would believe that fact. It is hard to put out some fires like a grease fire
Roy, my wife's uncle is an insurance agent and he always said a certain coffee maker was notorious for starting fires.
It can happen so quickly! I notice my old dad is in the habit of letting the kettle boil dry when here visiting. Luckily at home he has an automatic one that shuts itself off.
If you keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, you may not be able to reach it if the kitchen is on fire. Also keep a fire extinguisher in another nearby location, such as a closet.
I didn't know the exact statistic, but knew a pretty good percentage of fires began in the kitchen! We had a kitchen fire in the house across the street last year.
Yes I did know. My son-in-law burnt uy their ktichen last fall by putting a pan of oil on to heat up then went outside. He was able to put it out but it destroyed the kitchen. The whole house had smoke damage and they had to move out for two months while insurance repaired it.
Roy, I did not know this statistic, but somehow it doesn't surprise me. I always heard that fires from clothes dryers that haven't been cleaned were one of the major sources of home fires.
Yes Roy, I have heard this. Always keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen as well as have GFCI outlets and be careful.
I did not know this statistic but it does not surprise me. 100% of the fires I've had in my homes have started in the kitchen. I cook a lot of things at high heat, and use a lot of oils - fortunately, I know how to put things out quickly when they flare up.
Yes...I had a fire class and they talked a lot about the angers in the kitchen.