Ha, I just realized that i did not have those updates too. Strange, usually Trulia and AR bombard you with emails.
Aha, I found the sign-up link for the Daily Drop newsletter! That was unusually tricky. Just follow this link and you can join any of our lists that we keep on Constant Contact. http://goo.gl/S5vrg5
The Daily Drop goes out 5 times per week with 7 or 8 of our favorite blog posts and questions from the day. Enjoy!
I have not seen it, either, although it seems to come out intermittenly!
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I have not received that in months, and I had mentioned to tech support a while back. It just was not a high priority item for me. And we would love it.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I would like to be added to the list too Gabe...
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Good question, Gabe. Your question got the answer out there and a link to sign up.
I saw in their release notes about a "Daily Drop", which I am thining is the same thing you are asking about here. I don't know anything about it and I have never really received any type of daily email. I am interested in finding out more about it, perhaps someone that knows will contribute to this question, so I will follow it.
I didn't receive it for the longest time Gabe until a few months ago. Now the daily blog roll email hits my inbox daily. I have no idea how that works. Perhaps the number of recipients is limited?
I guess the staff likes to keep information close to the chest.
We were out of town today and I do not even know what gets points or not. It is a good time to take some time for the holidays. Did is miss the message explaining the updates?