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WeBlog Anything (almost)!
about 2 years ago
WeBlog Anything (almost)!
almost 10 years ago
WeBlog Anything (almost)!
about 9 years ago
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WeBlog Anything (almost)!
about 9 hours ago

WeBlog Anything (almost)!
Members: 525
Posts: 26924
Founded: 10/04/2010
Like the title says, "WeBlog Anything." This is a place where you can feel comfortable posting those posts that just don't seem to have a home anywhere else-----all within the community guidelines of course. Pretty simple----so have at it----and have fun. Please----no listings/rentals, and market statistics and such----there are better places for those----this group is about creativity. There are some vicious moderators of the group that will gladly delete such posts :)
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