One of the most un tapped opportunities in real estate is effectively working the massive income generation in agent to agent referrals. It is not enough to be managing one database but agents should be managing four separate databases. Sphere of influence ( P2P ), Business owners, service provid...
Let me ask you a simple but very important question? “Do you find yourself consistently inconsistent in your real estate business and personal life?” How do we hold ourselves accountable and stop procrastinating? How do we break that consistently inconsistency trend in business and life? One simp...
So many agents miss out on the opportunity of leveraging and spinning more business from the business they have already generated. This week we look at a simple and powerful process of how agents can be proactive vs. reactive and master this system to spin another 15 more pieces of business every...
Google search “Best realtor in ________ (your home town)" what do you see? Do you see yourself? Do you have an online presence? Reputation? Can you be found and recommended?Fact: 90% of Consumers are influenced by third party online reviews.Fact: 80% of Consumers trust online reviews as personal ...
For today’s blog, I’m boiling down the advice to three crucial points. These are certainly different times. But we’ve faced adversity before and emerged through it. I’m confident we’ll do the same again after this passes. I want you to know we’re here for you… email me if you have specific questi...
Back in the early 90's Colliers Encyclopedia sales training taught me the power of a process and presentation in sales will give you that competitive edge every time. If you wing it then you get "wing it" results! If you are planned, intentional and know what to say and how to say it then you are...
How you ever thought how your real estate business is really just math? That’s right your business is numbers and formulas and equations if you really take the time to break it all down. There are only 4 simple activities that an agent can do each year to improve their business and make more mone...
For almost three decades I have been in real estate and you always hear about the people needing to know you, like you and trust you. In 2020 this is not enough to thrive in the real estate industry any longer. We are now in a time where it is imperative to an agents success the people know, like...
As the president and CEO of my own "control club" I have honestly struggled for so many years with the fact I am not able to control everything in my life. It is such an uncomfortable space for me to not be in control and why is that? So here’s the truth: Most of us know so many things in our wor...
Let me ask you the most important question for you to start 2020 off right:What’s your plan in 2020 and how are you going to make this year better than any other year? I am just back from my first planned unique memorable moment experience of 2020 with the most important people in my life, my fam...