When you begin shopping for a mortgage, make sure you compare identical loans to each other and ask for a good faith estimate (GFE) from each lender. This way, you can compare costs for each mortgage loan type. Your buyer’s closing costs will probably include a loan point or two. Before Talking t
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At TallahasseeRealEstateCompany.com
At TallahasseeRealEstateCompany.com
When real estate prices fall and more than six months of inventory remains on the market, the market is (take your pick): * Slumping * Depressed * Softening * Falling * Slowing Down Whichever term you choose, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that people still buy and sell. The market h
Tallahassee sellers stop making payments for a host of reasons. Few choose to go into foreclosure voluntarily. It’s often an unpredictable result from one of the following: Laid-off, fired or quit job Inability to continue working due to medical conditions Excessive debt and mounting bill obligat
Benefits for a First-Time Tallahassee Home Buyer You should buy a home in Tallahassee. That’s what you’ve been hearing from friends and family, right? So, by now you have likely already weighed the benefits and decided that home ownership was the best decision for you. That’s a major hurdle now
Get the Tallahassee Property History Ask your buyer’s agent to find out the bank’s purchase price on the Trustee’s Deed or Sheriff’s Deed. Generally, it is noted on the document itself, which you can get from the tax rolls or a title company. Compare that price to the price the bank is asking. Lo
Lots of Tallahassee home owners cry when they sell. Before the ink is dry on the listing agreement, eyes often swell with tears, and we’re not talking about the listing agent. That’s because sellers have developed relationships with their homes. Homes hold treasured memories. It’s common for sell
Here are 10 sure fired ways to sell your house during a recession: 1. Acquire the documents that are required to legally sell your house, such as a legal sales contract for your state, a certificate for inspection of your septic tank, if you are not on a city sewer system, and a home inspection t