Within the last week, I've spoken with two potential home sellers that seem to think that Craig's list is the best way for them to sell their homes. While I agree that Craigslist is a small part of the big puzzle, and every little piece fits together to make a complete picture, I don't think that...
Being a big facebook fan, I've watched my own friends list grow to over 500 friends. Since I am a Realtor that specializes in the Stark County, Ohio, area, with a niche in Plain Township, Ohio, I decided to add a page that I will use to promote my real estate business. The goal for this facebook ...
About a month ago, I started a Plain Township, Community Page on Facebook. Since Plain Township, Canton, Ohio, did not have any community page, I thought it would be a good idea. The page's intentions are to be a place where fellow community members can post good news, events, happenings, and act...
Living less than an hour from "Amish Country", we here in Canton, Ohio see the words "Amish built", "Amish cooking", "Amish made" quite a bit. Those billboards and ads certainly tempt us that our tummies are going to be so satisfied after a meal, and that a handmade Amish quilt is going to hold s...
One of my home sellers recently had to replace a roof with out-of-pocket dollars because the roofing contractor apparently did not properly register the roofing product warranty with the manufacturer. The homeowner purchased a new roof in 2001 that carried a 30 year warranty. The roofing contract...
Hello, It is with great thanks, relief, and happiness that I write this blog today. After many, many attempts, our School Levy in Plain Township, Canton, Ohio, finally passed yesterday. It was a long struggle that was achieved through the passion of our residents who truly made that extra effort ...
Denise Evans, Realtor, will be offering FREE Real Estate Classes through the Plain Township Parks Department this Spring. Buying a Home Saturday, April 11th, 10 - 11:30 AMDiamond Community Park, Community Room Now is one of the BEST times in years to buy a home! Come learn about how to get pre-ap...
As part of our new government's stimulus package, first time homebuyers can receive up to an $8,000 permanent tax credit if they purchase a home between now and December 1, 2009. To qualify, an applicant must not have owned a home for at least 3 prior years, and the maximum tax credit is $8,000, ...
As a lifetime resident of Plain Township, and a member of the Plain Bicentennial Committee, I'm proud to say that Plain Township will be celebrating it's Bicentennial Anniversary this year. As the Chairperson for the Plain Township Parade, I'm especially looking forward to a wonderful day that ou...
As I'm sure we all can agree, the world of real estate offers many funny encounters with folks from all walks of life. Here are just a few of my "moments", and more to come over the next several weeks! Please share your funny stories with me, too! All Stinky Recently I showed a STINKY couple a R...