With changes in the economy effecting so many people, those in the real estate industry especially, it has pushed many to re-evaluate their "individual" place in the market. I've talked about the necessity to diversify in the past and for one evaluating their own situation, it is always easier s...
A recent article in the local newspaper explained the process for a first time home buyer looking to buy the right home. A number of steps were appropriately defined....examining ones wants versus needs, reviewing the funds saved and assessing ones budget to handle the finances that are associat...
The continued slumping economy has become a staple news item for some time now. Don't despair, things could be worse....really, they could and will if each home inspector doesn't assess their own business situation and determine where they stand. Recent statistics show that a little over 6 out ...
What's your strategy in today's market. As inspectors we need to evaluate exactly where you want to put yourself or your company in your industry. How are you marketing yourself? Are you the most experienced? Provide the most services? The cheapest inspector in town? In a competative market, i...
After nearly 20 years in the real estate industry, one of the things I truly enjoy doing is helping others in the inspection industry become better home inspectors. As a State Certified Home Inspection instructor I get the opportunity to do just that. I'm from the group of home inspectors, that...
We often get caught up in this technological world that we can forget what it is to provide a basic service to an individual. In the service related industries, such as home inspection, we often take it for granted that a customer is automatically going to ultimately use our services. A person ...
Let me first set the scene. I WAS going to include an email correspondance from a listing agent in regards to the inspection findings that were present (Mind you I said PRESENT, not CREATED by the inspector). Let's get a couple of things straight first. For a very,very old home there were the...
Nancy Rivera asked me in a recent blog to comment on some additional areas that should be accessible as part of a home inspection. Well, Nancy and to anyone else who's interested I would be more than happy to share this information with everyone.I mentioned access to mechanical items and access ...
Similar blogs across the board have a common theme as we approach the end of the year. Without a doubt business will have its ups and downs, hopefully with minimal dips and relatively consisitent peaks (with steady holding patterns). Locally, our area has had some consistency in activity despit...
Access to things around the house.....Just askTo all of the home inspectors just starting out one of the most basic concepts to master in this business is the art of communication. A perfect example is to communicate to the parties on the selling side that mechanical items and access areas need t...