Wenatchee and Chelan Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - NCW Home Inspections, LLC
Wenatchee Home InspectorFear of Crack- Fireplace Chimney Flues Tiles One very common and potentially dangerous situation is a cracked chimney flue liner. During a home inspection one the items I am looking for are cracked tiles. The signs can often be subtle or even hidden behind creostoe that ma...
Branch Circuit Extension on Older Ungrounded Wiring SystemsThe Wenatchee Home Inspector   This is one of of those dilemmas when purchasing an older home, dealing with an older electrical system. Homes pre -1960's (1962 to be more exact) typically will have no grounding conductor for the wiring sy...
 Buying or Selling a Manufactured Home? In many cases the lending institution will require an HUD engineer's foundation certification for the Manufactured home. I am getting request for an engineers report on even new installations/sets. So if you are in the Chelan, Douglas, Grant county areas of...
 Such a simple plumbing item to do but so often done incorrectly... enter the fixture trap. Plumbing fixture traps are devices that keeps a small amount of liquid every time the fixtures is used in it to create a trap seal.The amount of retained liquid is called a trap seal. Without a trap to sea...
I am being polarizing; two prong outlets in older homes                                            Well I am like the little kid with the bobby pin running around sticking stuff into places. That is what is it seem like when I get into older home and have to check the old twp prong electrical rec...
 Living Small in a Big Way- Tiny HomesWenatchee Home Inspections Tiny home seems to be more and more appealing to many looking for a comfortable space on a small footprint and a smaller budget. The problem is the codes have to now deal with these smaller than normal spaces. Enter the 2018 IRC and...
                          Bighorns of the Swakane Wenatchee Home InspectionsOne of the joys I get is seeing the bighorn sheep from time to time. Here are a few photos that I captured on a return trip from Lake Chelan.       “Sheep, like people, are ungovernable when hungry.” John Muir  If you fin...
                        Bad Gas-Thou shall not go there!Wenatchee Home Inspections   Gas cooking is what most chefs prefer. So having a gas cooktop installed is a very nice feature for the chefs. Like anything else though there are those pesky rules. Gas supply pipe in one of them. Here we had an...
The History of Grounded Receptacle in ResidentialChelan Home Inspections  I have written about electrical history before such as the grounding of receptacles in reference to laundry circuits which begins with the 1947 NEC (which was the first required grounded receptacle in dwelling units (reside...
                         Panel Terminations of RomexWenatchee Home InspectionsOne of the most common occurrences with those who should not be doing there own electrical work is terminations at the panel. Romex(a trade name) or more specifically NM Cable has to be properly secured to the panel per...

Donald Hester

NCW Home Inspections, LLC
local_phone(509) 670-9572
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NCW Home Inspections LLC