When you are having a tough time financially, it may seem like you will never get back on your feet. But, most people do get back on their feet. They find another job and start making money again. Their credit will usually be back to normal in 2-3 years. Why not buy a new home at that time? If yo...
Orange County CA – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Luis. Here is Luis's Question. "I am working on a loan modification on my home. I just don’t want to be upside down and want a fair interest rate. Why should I pay on a mortgage that is twice as much as my home is...
Orange County CA – Here is another common loan modification mistake that many homeowners make. They accept a very short term payment agreement that is not a loan modification. They could have gotten a real modification, but settled for whatever the lender recommended to them. They settled for wha...
Orange County CA – Most homeowners negotiating a loan modification are not amazing negotiators. After all, it’s not every American’s job to be a great negotiator. America is built on hard work and treating people fair. Most stores offer products at a good, fair price. The price is the price. If ...
[caption id="attachment_1169" align="alignright" width="425" caption="Past Due Notice"][/caption] Orange County CA – If you are facing financial hardship, then paying credit cards and other unsecured debts is your lowest priority. An unsecured debt is a debt where they can't take away your car o...
- I've heard the following myth from a lot of people. Here's what they tell me. "The banks can't afford to approve loan modifications because they don't want to take the losses on their books that fast. Also, their investors may not approve the short sale, because they can't afford to write off t...
- Many people ask if they should do a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure and give their house back to their lender. A deed-in-lieu does have its benefits. Lenders like them because they speed up the foreclosure. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and request a free consultation by ...
- Banks reject short sale offers for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is because they feel the property is worth X and the price is below that number. For example, you might have a buyer willing to pay $330,000 for a short sale. The bank orders an appraisal. Discover how other sellers succ...
- Short Sales and foreclosures have a big impact on home values. But, how they affect them varies dramatically. Every short sale helps stabilize the housing market. The reason is because short sales sell for much more than a foreclosed property does. Most short sales have a homeowner who still li...
- Many of the people we help are concerned that their neighbors will find out about the short sale. No one wants their dirty laundry put out for the entire neighborhood to see. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and request a free consultation by clicking here. Here is what ...