Believe It Or Not, It's Just "Hanging In There".
By Robert Butler, Montreal Home Inspector | Aspect Inspection
(Aspect Inspection)
Believe It Or Not, It's Just "Hanging In There". Yes believe it or not this is rot. Ordinary wood rot is the process of decay due to the breakdown of the wood fiber components as they are exposed to mold, micro-organisms, insects and water. This is a complete ecology with the mold eating the wood and other things feeding on the mold and weakened wood and others feeding on them, etcetera, etcetera. It can occur right before your eyes, as in this case, as well as in hidden locations. Primarily all that is required is the relatively frequent recurrence or constant presence of water. Other than that it's the right temperature range and the ubiquitous presence of mold spores and the rest of the micro-biology team. (They're always waiting in the wings.) Here this is outdoors on a secluded co...