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This is a photo of the quaint Lakefront Community of Old Plat in Huron, OH. It embodies the essence of this humble community and it's precious resource. If you look closely, you can see the "bones" of the world class Roller Coaster capital of the world, Cedar Point Amusement Park
I inherited this Christmas Cactus when my father died more than 15 years ago. It blooms twice a year and each time, it is a sweet reminder of his love and continued presence in my life.
Home For The Holidays Open House at Mulberry Creek HerbFarmis this weekend!Sat. Nov. 23rd 10 to 5:00Sun. Nov. 24th 10 to 4:00$100 drawing1:00 door swag classes each dayVendor selling baked goods, candles, refreshments, soap, wool goods, organic, beef, jewelry, doggie treats, children's books, aromatherapy products & herb wine!Come inside to a warm, festive greenhouse!!! 3312 Bogart Rd., Huron, OH 44839
How To Preserve Kale One more food blog. I am part of a C.S.A. (Community Supported Agriculture) Program with Mulberry Creek Herb Farm. We had a pick up today and this was some of our haul. We have been getting a lot of Kale. Not my favorite thing, but…it is wonderful in soups and stir fry. I want to share with you a way to preserve it, or keep it for later to add to your soups, stews or stir frys. Start with fresh Kale…rinse well to get the sand out and spin dry. This spinner is a wonderful gadget that can take excess water out of greens or whatever. Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil and add Kale in batches. Let it boil for three minutes. Remove to a colander and plunge into ice cold water for an equal number of minutes. When all the Kal...
Enjoying the Fruits of Their Labor Our local C.S.A. program at Mulberry Creek Herb Farm is in their second quarter. Since it’s start up in the Spring of 2012, we have seen an increase in variety and quantity of produce. During our scheduled pick up time, it is not uncommon to find one of the farmers there and have a chance to chat about what’s in the take home bags, how to use it, what’s coming next, etc. They always have a variety of “freebies” to take home from their excess and a chance to sample some things that I may have never known existed. This week we got a bunch of carrots, red and golden beets, all colors of green beans, onions, tomatoes, basil, and red and green peppers. Some of the freebies included, swiss chard, more tomatoes, eggplant, and some little things that looked...
Christ’s Community Meal Adventures in the Huron Soup Kitchen We have a new Baby!! In fact, we have TWO. With the assistance of a Grant from the Sandusky Erie County Foundation and the generosity of Dave Cuthbertson with Restaurant, Equipment and Repair, Tim Parry with Pizza House West and Mark Claus with Breckenridge Kitchen Equipment, we are now the proud owners of a Commercial Mixer and Meat Slicer. When preparing to make mashed potatoes, Nadine, one of our prep cooks, would almost always take charge of peeling and dicing all 50-60 pounds of potatoes. When it was time to actually mash the cooked potatoes it was done with a masher on a three foot extension and was a total group effort. We would take turns with the masher while someon...
My First Weeks adventure at our local C.S.A at Mulberry Creek Herb Farm... involved a bag of Things Green. Specifically,in my tote was a bunch of Rainbow Swiss Chard, Dinosaur Kale, Asparagus, a few fresh Bay Leaves, Garlic and a Good Luck Plant (Oxalis). Now, what to do, what to do with all that green…. Iceberg lettuce was a staple in most salads when I was growing up. We had other green salads from time to time including Spinach, Endive, Dandelion and Mint Salads, so I luckily had a chance to develop a few more sophisticated green taste buds. So, determined to eat what I paid for, I turned to the internet for recipes. I decided on a salad recipe that incorporated the Swiss Chard and some of the Kale. Here is this weeks success story recipe Avocado Massaged Swiss Chard S...
Community Supported Agriculture (C.S.A.) is coming to Mulberry Creek Herb Farm in Huron, OH. Where do you buy your spring and summer veggies? I try to hit the local Farmer’s markets, but, more often than not, I buy from the local IGA or Meijer’s store. When I take the time to read the labels, I see that a majority come from out of state or even out of the country. I wonder how far in advance these veggies were picked and how they were grown and preserved for transport. I had read about a Community Supported Agriculture (C.S.A.) program in Utah that my nephew and his family support. They would often post mouthwatering photos of their fresh veggies for the week. Now, C.S.A. is coming to Mulberry Creek Herb Farm in Huron, OH. The premise is prett...
Holiday Happenings at the Huron Soup Kitchen I have to start by saying the name of this post is somewhat of a misnomer. A common definition of a Soup Kitchen is: an establishment dispensing minimum dietary essentials (such as soup and bread) to the needy. While we do make soup,……. sometime,…….. it is the exception, rather than the rule. We serve such a wide variety of foods, that if you come to eat and go home hungry,…. it is your own fault. Through the generosity of Second Harvest Food Bank and the folks at GFS, we are able to serve a variety of meats and treats at every meal. I just wanted to share some of my favorite photos from the 2011 Holiday meals at the Huron Soup Kitchen. We have such a wonderful crew of workers that pull together...
FALL SEASON OF MIRACLES IN THE SOUP KITCHEN The POSITIVE ATTITUDE for the Weary Soul group gives you the opportunity to share the miracles in your life during this fall season with a creative writing challenge . Join in on the challenge with the FALL SEASON OF MIRACLES CONTEST | Positive Attitude for the Weary Soul Group As some of you know, I volunteer as a prep cook in a soup kitchen in my community of Huron, OH. We primarily rely on donated food from a number of different sources. We keep two large freezers for perishable donations. We are often reminded at our meetings that our needs will be met and our prayers will be answered with enough food to feed those that come to our meal. It may not always be what we wish for, (the glut of green peppers or the broccoflower are cas...
It’s getting to be that time of year again. Cooler temperatures herald the colorful display of the autumn leaves, blooming mums, pumpkins and the wonderful outdoors of Fall. It’s a welcome respite for most from the heat of the summer. But, what to do when those pretty leaves begin to fall? Of course you can compost some of them, bag some of them and then what? Barnes Nursery is offering a FREE Yard Waste Drop-off at their Nursery at 1630 Camp Rd.. The Fall event will take place on two days, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 29 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 30. You do need to be a resident of Huron or Sandusky to take advantage of this Free Event, so bring your proof of residency with you. Enjoy the Season and Thank you Barn...
It Is Our Joy to Chop and Stir In November of 2009 the six churches of Huron, Ohio hosted their first FREE Community Meal. It started with a Thanksgiving feast prepared at Christ Episcopal Church in a 12x16 basement kitchen with one stove, a kitchen refrigerator and NO dishwasher. We served approx 35 guests at that first meal. Since that time, through the generosity of the First Presbyterian Church, we have moved to a REAL kitchen…..with a commercial dishwasher and refrigerator and stoves and sinks galore and stainless working surfaces…. We now serve between 150 -190 guests at each meal, including 50+ home deliveries, take-outs and regular sit down meals. It remains a collaborative and growing effort between the six churches of Huron. ...
Lisa Yako has a unique calling.....she is a House Detective. Her job as an historical researcher can tell youwho owned your home over the decades, what kind of work they did, and what the people were they like. She has researched more that 30 homes including the Old Stone House on the Gammie and Quarry Hill Homestead and the homestead of Sharon Barnes, owner of Barnes Nursery in Huron . This is one of my favorite articles from her blog, http://www.historicalresearchpartners.blogspot.com/ The Great American Porches of Huron’s Old Plat Picture this: a hot summer day, a fresh lake breeze, and the chirp of crickets and the song of cicadas. Next, add a dose of tangy lemonade to be shared with good friends. Where would you place this scene? For me, the perfect setting is a beautiful front...
Pizza Extravaganza St. Peter’s Parish in Huron, OH, is sponsoring an All-You-Can-Eat Pizza Extravaganza on Wed., Sept. 14 from 4-7:30 p.m. It will be held at Mesenburg’s at 545 Cleveland Road W. Delicious all-you-can-eat pizza will be served by 10 local pizza vendors. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. You can pick them up at Cornell’s, Huron Market, Huron Chamber of Commerce, Pierre’s Quick Print and the St. Peter Parish Office. Tickets will also be available at the door. Proceeds from the Extravaganza will go to help replace the school boiler. What a great way to sample pies from all the local pizzerias. So come on out and don’t miss a great opportunity to get together with friends and neighbors and support a worthy cause.
Revisit Never, NeverLand as the cast from Caryl Crane Children’s Theater presents “Peter and Wendy” at BGSU Fireland’s McBride Auditorium. It is the story of Peter Pan as told through the eyes of Wendy where Wendy is both character and narrator. The play is adapted and directed by Brian Marshall where he makes Wendy the star. Marshall thins that everyone will enjoy the play on different levels. Children will see it as an adventure, and adults, will identify with the fact that all must accept the change into adulthood. Though it’s not a musical, “Peter and Wendy” is a play with music. “It’s a beautiful grown-ups perspective on Peter Pan. The Peter Pan that everyone knows and love,” said Marshall. “It has something for every age whether you are 3 or 103” Caryl Crane (1908-1999) ...
Do you remember the excitement of preparing for the first day of school? Did you go shopping with your mom for notebooks, pens and pencils and a new book bag? Do you remember the smell of the classroom and used books, maybe the hum of the overhead projector? Do you remember the excitement of learning, creating and sharing? Did you enjoy the comaraderie of new friendships or renewed old ones? Bowling GreenStateUniversity’s Fireland’s College branch can reignite some of those memories and passions for the young at heart. They have created a program designed for those "Elders", who are 50 years or older to do just that. ElderCollege was designed to enhance the joy of lifelong learning with other mature adults that share similar interests. T...
Come One, Come All….to the Mulberry Creek Herb Fair. It’s happening today, Saturday, June 25 from 10A – 5P and Tomorrow, Sunday, June 26 from 12P – 5P Your $5 admission gets you a free herb and any classes you care to attend. Rain or Shine. There’s something for everyone’s taste. This year’s theme is The Caribbean. You can be entertained by the Steel Drum Bands and sample the Caribbean Food prepared for you under the Big Tent. There are many new vendors participating this year as well as the returning favorites. Lots of original crafting and vendors to visit. This year’s ice cream flavors include Bay Rum Cake Ice Cream and Lime-in-de-Coconut Cream Be There!! 3312 Bogart Rd. Huron, OH 44839
A Taste of Wine and Roses Sponsored by Huron Chamber of Commerce Friday, June 24, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Come take a stroll under the big top at Barnes Nursery, this year’s Host for the 6th Annual Evening to Remember. Allow your senses to be carried away by the stunning landscape of flowers, gurgling fountains, and samplings from the areas local Wineries. Mesenburg Catering, will once again be offering tantalizing gourmet tastings, all under the ambient cover of the Big Top provided by Witt Tent Rental, and are this year’s co-sponsors for the event. This setting will provide the venue for the extraordinary display of Roses….a visual and olfactory thrill for the senses. Award-winning wine selections will be available for tasting from some of our very own local wineries. Tak...
Sellers are you focused on WHATyou are selling instead of WHY you are selling? The current state of the economy has had a serious effect on home values. No one can deny that. Not many people today, at least not in the Sandusky, Ohio area, are selling their homes just because they want to. They are selling their homes because they have to. They can no longer afford them, they have been transferred out of the area, they've lost their jobs and are behind on their mortgage, an illness or disability has made their home difficult to maintain or they can no longer climb stairs, etc. This is WHY they are selling and should be their main focus and motivation. They really need to sell. Too many times I've heard sellers make statements that indicate they are more focused on WHAT they are selling. ...
Take yourself to a place where the landscape is lush, where bright vibrant color punches through the greenery, where a spirited people embrace a slower pace. Think spicy, think savory, think texture, think MUSIC. Where are you?......The Caribbean, of course. The Caribbean is coming to your own backyard at Mulberry Creek Herb Farm this year. Mulberry Creek Herb Farm has the distinction of being the only 100% Certified Organic Herb Farm in the State of Ohio. They are in their 16th season of providing quality, well rooted, certified organic herbs and miniature perennials for Cooking, Ornamental, Medicinal and Crafting uses. The Caribbean will come to life through the hard work and ingenuity of Karen and Mark Langan and crew. They will transform the farm into a Tropical Delight f...