
Middletown, NY Real Estate News

By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
I was having breakfast when I happened to look out the window and saw two balloons approaching in the distance.  It was still pretty dark and the sun hadn't really come out yet so I quick grabbed the camera and took a few shots before they passed by.  I haven't seen a balloon over my house in a couple years so this was a nice surpise.  Photos by Debra Walsh, Copyright © 2011 Debra Walsh. All Rights Reserved.  These photos may not be reproduced, used or transmitted without the express, written permission of Debra Walsh of Keller Williams Realty in Goshen, New York.  If you would like to use an image please contact me directly.  Thank you for not plagiarizing!
Comments 22
By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Yesterday I was out with a client who is looking to buy a parcel of land.   I was amazed as I made the appointments for these properties at how many of the listing agents had NEVER EVEN WALKED THE PROPERTY.   I was further amazed by agents telling me they weren't exactly sure where the property was. Whenever I am going to view a land listing I usually have a few standard questions: Is there a sign?  Will I be able to see it? How much road frontage? Is there a survey? Is there a way to find it if the sign is not there? In asking these questions is how I came across the answers of "I don't know because I haven't walked it" and "I don't know because I haven't been there."  Okay I am going to sound like a teen here but OMG and you have no problem telling me this??Now I will never list a lan...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
I happened to see something come across Twitter last night and I thought it had to be a joke.  It was an article about a bridge that had gone missing.  How does something like that happen?  After watching the video you will understand but it speaks volumes to what is happening within our country.  How desperate were these people that they decided to dismantle a bridge and what would have happened if they had been discovered?   In a way it is kind of funny that it disappeared into "thin air" as this is a first.  In the big picture though it shows that we really need to take a long hard look at where this country is headed and what can be done to help get us back on the right track. The embedding link for the video has been disabled but you can click to watch the stolen bridge story.
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Today is World Smile Day!  Harvey Ball of Worcester, Massachusetts created this day as he felt one day a year should be dedicated to smiling and doing acts of kindness.  According to the World Smile Day website a proclamation of this day was even made by the U.S. Congress.   Because of the popularity of the "smiley face" the postal service even issued a stamp showing the yellow smiley face. The intent of today is to go through the day with a smile, help others smile and do something kind for someone around you.  If we all did this EVERYDAY wouldn't the world be a much better place?  So keep smilin', go do something nice and see what a great feeling it gives you!
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
After Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee hit New York State in late August and early September, residents in declared counties became eligible for federal assistance. Yet some people who suffered losses and damage in the wake of the disaster have failed to seek help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).“There are many misconceptions about getting help,” said FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer Philip E. Parr.  “Often people who would qualify for assistance miss out because they are mistaken or misinformed.”Commonly asked questions about disaster aid:Q: Does FEMA charge a fee for a home inspection?A: No. FEMA never charges for an inspection.Q: I have applied for disaster assistance before, do I need to apply again?A: Yes. Even if you applied for assistance for a previo...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Photos by Debra Walsh, Copyright © 2011 Debra Walsh. All Rights Reserved.  These photos may not be reproduced, used or transmitted without the express, written permission of Debra Walsh of Keller Williams Realty in Goshen, New York.  If you would like to use an image please contact me directly.  Thank you for not plagiarizing!
Comments 18
By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
This is a post I have been wanting to write for weeks but couldn't find the courage because until today I didn't know what was going to happen to me.  Reading Jay Markanich's post A Very Sad and Dangerous Inspection made me realize I shouldn't wait any longer to write it.  Co-incidentally between last night and today I have had a break through so it makes it easier for me to write.  Several weeks ago I was out showing houses with a new buyer and having a great time like I usually do.  I love my job, I love new clients and I love helping them find their dream homes.  We had been to 4-5 houses when we pulled up to the next.  Just another house on another street in another neighborhood.  I was feeling great that day.  In fact it was funny because it was the best I had felt in weeks so it m...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Today is "Confucius Day", a day to honor one of the world's greatest philosophers.  We have all heard of him at one time or another.  Confucius say "Respect Yourself and Others Will Respect You" or "It Does Not Matter How Slowly You Go As Long As You Do Not Stop" along with many other famous sayings.  Confucius was born October 18, 551 B.C. in China and was one of the earliest and probably greatest philosophers.  He was also a scholar, teacher and politician.  There are over 450 famous quotes attributed to Confucius.  Over the years people have made jokes and added "Confucius Says".   Most likely if it is funny or a little off the beaten path it was not said by Confucius. So take the day, pick a quote or two and see if it can enhance your life and how you move forward! photo from Flickr...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
For those of you who haven't seen this video it is an amazing showing of people stepping up without thought for themselves to help someone else in dire need.   At first they didn't realize anyone was even alive from this terrible crash.  When they did, without any thoughts for the danger they might be in from the burning car that could explode at any moment from the gasoline;  people just appeared out of nowhere.  With unbelievable strength - well I will let you watch for yourself. Imagine what kind of world we would have if we all approached everything this way.  If there is a problem lets get together and solve it.  If someone needs help, what can we do?  If someone is hurting how can we make it better?  I'm just sayin.... The people in this video are true heroes and need to be commen...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
When I post the Bon Jovi videos I tend to go for the rock videos or something from a movie or television.  So this one is a big change up for me.   I love this song as I do all of their songs & one of my best friends tends to sing parts of this song in a hokey voice when she thinks I need cheering up.   It isn't very often I let someone rip up a Bon Jovi song but she is always allowed.  So this is to my friend family member and she knows who she is - who is always there for me when it counts.  Thhhhaaaannnkkkkk yyyyyooooouuuuuu!  
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Today when I logged in I checked my points area like I always do, just in case there were any reblogs so I could post thank you's if necessary and I got a little surprise!  The powers that be at Active Rain had dropped by and left me a little huge bonus for attending one of the meet ups this month.  How great is that?  A bonus for doing something that I would have done anyway and that I had a blast doing!  Thanks so much - just another reason I love to play in the 'Rain!        
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
New York State residents who suffered losses as a result of the flooding caused by Hurricane Irene last month and who still have serious unmet needs may find help through the Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) groups now and long after the emergency phase has passed.FEMA and the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYSOEM) are partnered with a variety of non-profit organizations to provide crucial assistance.  Through a Voluntary Agency Liaison, FEMA assists the VOADs with federal assistance programs, deadlines, coordination and donation management.  They also identify special needs populations and help applicants avoid duplication of benefits."Representatives from voluntary agency groups, local when possible, get together to develop a plan and access the resou...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Back in July I wrote a post about Schlage Locks and how you can work them with your smart phone.  What a great concept!  I then heard they were having a contest and entered as much as I could.  To my surprise I got an email that I had won one of their wireless key pad locks! Finally we have picked the place and installed the lock after many discussions about where to put it.  Since it was from a contest I won I was happy when I got to win the argument of where it would go.  It has been placed on our front door and I absolutely LOVE this lock.  It is so easy to use and with the touch of a finger it is easy in and out.  No more fumbling with keys and everything I have to carry in and out when I am coming and going from work.  I want one for every entry door to the house.  With one push of...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
That Tuesday morning still feels like yesterday.  In the space of a minute our lives changed forever.  We couldn't reach our loved ones - friends and family.  Phone lines were down - bridges and roads were closing.  Every few minutes there was more bad news coming across the radio and television on this crystal clear day.  How could this possibly have happened?  What would be next?When I first pulled a video I didn't want to see it all again but we need to remember why our military - husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews are gone for years at a time to protect our country.  They need our love and support and to know that we think of them every single day and are so grateful for their dedication to this country.  Raise your flags today an...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
This is a warning from Dan Schwarzbeck.  He owns professional Wildlife Management companies servicing commercial and residential properties in NY and NJ. The company is called Got Wildlife?    He is looking to share some experiences he and his team have been presented with due to Hurricane Irene and the recent flooding that is of extreme importance.  The offices are receiving a tremendous amount of calls requesting Property Inspections and Snake Removal. The volume of water that we experienced displaces Snakes which forces them out of their dens.  Many Snakes that would naturally reside away from your homes and business get displaced and confused looking for dark, damp areas.Water displaces Snakes but Water Damage creates new opportunities.  Snakes like foundations, sidewalks and steps....
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
We can't have a holiday weekend without a little Bon Jovi of course!  This song is probably not known by too many but is a great song and the video is a little different from what I usually put up.  Year after year they continue to tour and put out better and better music.   I added the 2nd video for those who like to see the live performances.  Enjoy!
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
CR# Road Name Location Description Open 1 Pine Island Tpke. CR 6 to CR 88 Flooding   1 Pine Island Tpke. Missionland Rd. to Merrit Island Rd. Flooding   1 Pine Island Tpke. CR 12 to Wallkill River Flooding   1A Edenville Rd. West St. to NY Rte. 94 Culvert out - LONG TERM   4 Maybrook Rd. at McBride La. & McBride La. (horseshoe)   OPEN 5 Lakes Rd. at Windridge Mews Culvert out - LONG TERM   9 Smith Clove Rd. Greens Sub Div. to Thruway Br. (Smith Clove Rd.) Utility wire in road OPEN 11 Mt. Hope Rd. Whipple Rd. to VanDuzer Rd. Trees in road   12 Lower Rd. Maple Ave. to S.H. Rte. 17M Washouts/poles/wires in rd.   13 Kings Hwy. at railroad tracks Culvert out - LONG TERM   16 South Maple Ave. all   OPEN 17 Thompson Ridge Rd. from NYS Rte. 302 in 1/4 mile Trees in road OPEN 18 New Vernon Rd. ...
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
The flooding is starting to recede a little bit and more of the trees that fell have been cut up and removed restoring some of the lost electrical power but there is still a long way to go.  We are hearing that some in our area won't have electric til Sunday or later.  My friend from a few miles away sent me these pictures from outside her windows.   They are pretty much cut off until this water recedes.  Thank goodness that things were not worse and there was a very limited loss of life.  Unfortunately their car was underwater but hopefully their insurance will take care of that and it can be replaced.
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
With the Hurricane coming this weekend, today has been a flurry of activity to try and get all showings done, bring in everything that isn't nailed down and try to shop for needed supplies.  With everything so tense I thought we could use something to make us all laugh.  May everyone and their loved ones be safe and make it through the weekend with no major problems.  Enjoy the video!
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By Debbie Walsh, Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036
(SHAHAR Management)
Last week I wrote a post about a kitten I had found.  I was looking for help in picking a name for him.   I loved all of the suggested names and the front runners right up until the very end were Lucky, Stormy, Thunder and Mugsy.   I got names I had never even thought of for a pet before but like I said I absolutely loved all of the names I was given.  This was the first time I had ever even had the slightest trouble naming a pet.  Maybe because he was so ill and I was so worried about him or maybe because I wanted to do him justice because I felt terrible that he had been all alone.  For the past two days I seriously considered naming him Trouble because now that he is better, I can tell that is what he will be.  He has more energy and curiosity than all of us put together.   As I said...
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