
Incline Village, NV Real Estate News

By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Incline Village and Crystal Bay having a steady summer of sales.  Inventory levels slowing down, new inventory being gobbled up.  Check out the most recent post by Team Soli of Sierra Sotheby's International Realty in Lake Tahoe...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
For a complete list of foreclosures, short sales and other distressed properties in Incline Village and the surrounding areas please visit us SOLD (Removed from list) 751 Tahoe Blvd. – Toepa #15, APN 132-191-05, Rec. 7/5/12 – Sold at Trustee’s Sale for $50,777. 1421 Tirol Dr., APN 126-570-03, Rec. 7/9/12 – Sold at Trustee’s Sale for $412,845.   NEW REO: 590 Lakeshore, APN 122-128-16, Rec. 7/12/12, Sterling Bank & Trust, One Town Square, Ste. 900, Southfield, MI 48076   NEW NODs: 971 Fairway Park Dr., APN 131-132-02, TS#NV09003049-11-1, NOD Rec. 7/13/12 423 Pat Ct., APN 124-042-10, TS#12404210, NOD Rec. 7/2/12   NEW NOTICES OF SALE: 825 Southwood – Southwood Pines #9, APN 127-110-09, TS#1045933-02, NOD Rec. 4/4/12 - TRUSTEES SALE SC...
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By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
  Classic Corn Dogs and Cheese-on-a-Stick One thing about this blessed, glorious batter: if you have any left over, it makes perfect pancakes the next day. And for that matter, you can use the batter to coat and fry cooked breakfast sausage links, then serve them with pancake syrup for “dipping.” The possibilities are endless. Ingredients 6 cups Krusteaz Pancake Mix 2 cups Yellow Corn Meal 2 whole Eggs, Slightly Beaten 6 cups Water, More If Needed To Thin Batter Hot Dogs Cheese, Cut Into 1/2-inch X 3 Inch Sticks Chopsticks Canola Oil, For Frying Spicy Mustard, For Serving Preparation Instructions **USE CAUTION WHEN FRYING WITH OIL. KEEP POT ON THE BACK BURNER TO PROTECT SMALL KIDDOS** In a large bowl, combine pancake mix and cornmeal. Stir to combine. Add eggs and water, adding more wat...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
The buzz in town is Real Estate. Everyone wants to know what is happening and how the market is. Are transaction numbers up, down??? Each week Team Soli puts together this report to keep you in tune with the market. Summer 2012 has been steady as she rolls with new listings coming on and many new escrows and closings each week. For the week of July 9th-15th the following was happening inside the Incline Village and Crystal Bay Real Estate Market...22 New Listings, 13 Price Changes and 26 Status Changes. Of those Status Changes...15 New Escrows, 8 properties SOLD, 2 Rejected by the Market and 1 BOM-Back on Market.  Good activity for July 2012!!!  For full details...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
The Fourth of July week was jammed packed with activities for the Red, White and Tahoe Blue…Parades, music concerts, ice cream eating contests and fireworks.  But, the activity did not stop there as Real Estate was hopping too!  For the week of July 2nd-8th the real estate market in Incline Village looked like this…
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Incline Village and Crystal Bay Real Estate is hopping.  With two of the busiest months ahead of us, it is great to see the uptick in the market and properties MOVING!  For the week of June 25th-July 2nd 2012 the following was happening inside the Incline Village Real Estate Market and MLS.  You can click on any of the links below for more details on the properties listed.  For all of the details, click here...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Team Soli wraps up the market each week with detailed information and links to the hottest properties on the market.  Watch here for New Listings, Price Changes and Status Changes in the market.  Check out the new format here at
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Mid June and the market is already strong.  The summer should be a great time for selling or purchasing a home in the Incline Village and Crystal Bay Real Estate Market.  For all the details, click here
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
With Memorial Day behind us, we are officially into the 'Swing of Summer' in Real Estate in Lake Tahoe. Each month we break down the Incline Village and Crystal Bay MLS to bring you a summary of what is happening in our market and which direction we are headed in. For May 2012...the following is happening...For most it is a pick up in activity, good news!
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
The real estate market in Incline Village and Crystal Bay this past two weeks has been 'Shaken...Not Stirred!"  Oliver Luxury Properties, affiliated with Christy's Great Estates just opened a new office in Incline Village, Intero Real Estate Services was purchased by Sierra Sotheby's International Realty and rumor has it that another major brokerage is set to re-open this month.  What do these Luxury Marketing Specialty companies know that we don't???  It will be interesting to find out as we join the National Market in the uptick in Real Estate.
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Major shake up in the Incline Village Real Estate Brokerages in the last two weeks resulting in some shifts of agents betweenoffices and end result (see our article on Shaken...Not Stirred)...skewed data for the MLS.Having said that, please take this two week update with a grain of SALT. You will see properties that withdrew or were 'rejected by the market' when indeed they were not rejected at all, the agents just switched offices.Real Estate in general does appear to be heating up for the Summer and many properties (the good ones) are going into escrow and selling. That's the good news. Also good is the fact that our inventory levels are remaining low and we might just be turning the corner on RE in Incline Village, NV.Here is the skewed data for the week...
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By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
  On the short sale list we have 3 new listings, 4 new escrows, 4 price reductions, 2 back on market listings and 2 sales to report. The condominium at 759 Mays Blvd. #29 listed at $300,000 sold for $300,000 on 05/21/12.  The town home at 848 Rosewood Circle listed at $799,000 sold for $779,000 on 05/21/12.   On the REO list 1 new listing, 1 price reduction and 1 new pending sale.   Denise Cash  775.691.3844               Ken Cash  775.691.3855                            Incline Village Condominium/PUD Short Sale Listings MLS#             Address                      Unit     List Price        Status  Bed     Bath   Gar       SqFt  940064            870 Southwood            3          $124,000        ...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Want to update yourself on the Real Estate Market? Team Soli breaks down the market each week in an easy to read format that allows you to understand what is going on with new listings, new escrows, properties that have SOLD, Hot Properties and Best Buys. Check it out weekly...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Week after week, Team Soli wraps up the details of the real estate market in the Incline Village and Crystal Bay market in an easy to read format.  Here is what was happening in the market for May 14-th-20th 2012.  Enjoy...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Show your community spirit and participate in the annual clean up event for Incline Village and Crystal Bay Communities.  Be proud of where you live, work and play.  Tourist season is right around the corner and we need our community to look PERFECT!   For more information see Team Soli's posting at
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Not much going on in the Foreclosure and Distressed Property world for Incline Village and Crystal Bay.  These distressed properties have been few and far between for the last several months.  Auction sales have come to a screaming halt and the short sales and foreclosures or REO's have done the same.  Still we keep our eye on the market for you as to what is new and potentially coming on the market...Here is the most recent update for May 2012 in the Distressed Properties for Incline Village and Crystal Bay.  Click here for the full story...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Inventory levels are WAY DOWN with not much new inventory hitting the market in Incline Village and Crystal Bay Real Estate.  Good sign for Sellers, not much for Buyers to look at right now!  If you are selling, make sure you are priced for the market and that you are the best in show!  When you become STALE you join the other 160 single family homes, 37 PUD's-Planned Unit Developments and 126 Condos on the market. Real Estate is an art and you must find your place among the art to be displayed high above the rest.  For the full story...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Not a lot of April Showers to bring May Flowers...Inventory is at an all time since the height of the market.  What does this mean for Incline Village Real Estate???  It means Sellers have a GREAT opportunity to REALLY showcase their homes and bring their A Game.  Buyers, you must be ready to strike.  Learn and study the market with a qualified Realtor who knows and can guide you i the right direction of the market.  As a buyer you can educate yourself on-line all day long, but when it comes down to the buying process you need the expertise of an agent in the market who 'gets it' and can show you the good, the bad and the ugly.  You want to make a smart REal Estate investment for your future gains. for t...
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By Bruce & Sandy Soli, Tahoe Lifestyle Experts
(Sierra Sotheby's International Realty)
Want to know what is moving in the market, what's new and how the Incline Village Real Estate Market is doing?  Each week, Team Soli of Intero Real Estate Services posts the most recent Market Watch covering all the activity in Incline Village and Crystal Bay.  Don't miss it, great overview of the activity going on in the Real Estate Market.  For the full article, click here... 
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By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
On the short sale list we have 4 new escrows and 1 price reduction. On the REO list we have only 2 new listings. Over all, a very quiet week.       Denise Cash  775.691.3844               Ken Cash  775.691.3855                              Incline Village Condominium/PUD Short Sale Listings   MLS#             Address                      Unit     List Price        Status  Bed     Bath   Gar       SqFt   940064            870 Southwood            3          $124,000         A         2          1 ½      N         1040 940104            945 Harold Dr.             1          $125,000         P          2          1          N         782 940166            702 College                  84        $129,000   ...
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