More and more hitting the market. The foreclosure market does not appear to be going away anytime soon! Click here for the most recent update on this segment of the market.
Summer finally started and the BIGGEST sales season of the year has officially begun. With the end of June comes the June Statistics plus Statistics for the 1st Half of 2011. Make sure you understand your local market before you buy or sell real estate. June Statistics...Currently there are 211 active condos on the here for the full story!
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
The updated list of short sale and bank owned listings for Incline Village follows. On the short sale list, we have one new pending, one sold, two back on market, two price reductions and two new listings. The home at 453 Jill Court listed for $950,000 sold 07.08.2011 for $800,000. On the bank owned list, we have two closings, two price reductions and one new escrow. The listing at 945 Harold #6 listed for $86,100 sold for $81,500 07.12.2011. The listing at 989 Tahoe Blvd. #46 listed at $139,900 sold for $140,000 07.08.2011. Denise Cash 775.691.3844 Ken Cash 775.691.3855 Incline Village Condominium/PUD Short Sale Listings MLS# Add...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
I've mentioned the Nevada Legislature bills previously. However, here are more details on the bill mentioned... AB226 Became Law... Of interest to Realtors are: A landlord will be required to advise a tenant that if a court issues an eviction notice, a lockout will occur within 24 hours of the Sheriff or constable receiving the order and a functioning door lock would be added to the list of essential items and services defined in NRS. AB271 Became Law... The Nevada Association of Realtors identified private transfer fees known as re-conveyance fees, capitol recover fees, private development transfer tax as a concern, as they may create last minute closing complications, impact the home sale and title in addition to lending problems. PTF's have become a concern to states across the co...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
The title seems simple as Deb Brooks wrote in her challenge a week or so ago but it can be more daunting than first thought. Most of us don't like to talk about ourselves. We prefer that someone else make the story come to life. At least for me, telling my story has never been that hard. Most would say, sit down already and stop the self promotion. Getting this family photo was not difficult either. My son actually has kept after me off and on for years to learn about his dad's side of the family, so I have family history for him going back to England, 1749 when the first ansyster came to America. A few years ago when my uncle Lester (standing on the right side) passed on, my aunt who I had not seen in many years somehow found me through the Internet and my being a REALTOR, sent m...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
Fairly quiet week with the July 4th holiday. Two new short sale listings and one new bank owned listing. Two price reductions, one price increase and two new escrows. No closings to report. Denise Cash 775.691.3844 Ken Cash 775.691.3855 Incline Village Condominium/PUD Short Sale Listings MLS# Address Unit List Price Status Bed Bath Gar SqFt 939687 989 Tahoe Blvd. 64 $154,900 P 3 2 N 1649 939875 807 Alder 81 $159,000 A 1 1 N 700 939352 ...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
Now that the 2011 Legislative session has ended, here are a couple of points of interest to Nevada Realtors and others. Please know that the Nevada Legislature meets every other year. One would think that is a good thing because they don't pass or attempt to pass any laws in the OFF years. WRONG. They may not pass a law but they spend all their time figuring out just how they can. THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL POSTING ON THE NEW LAWS, THE EFFORT TO PASS THEM, AND COMMENT ON THOSE THAT DID NOT PASS. SOME WE MAY SEE AGAIN. SO LOOK FOR ADDITIONAL POSTS IN THE COMING DAYS. Taxes: There was an effort to put a sales tax on services and that fight is not over yet. We will continue to fight the battle. It is likely that it will appear as a ballot question. The transaction tax proposed th...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
On the short sale list we have three sales to report, seven prices changes, four new pending sales, three back on markets and one new listing. The listing at 335 Ski Way #342, listed at $199,000, sold for $199,250 on 06.27.2011. The listing at 321 Ski Way #6 listed at $225,000 sold for $205,000 on 06.29.2011. The listing at 433 Winding Way listed at $400,000 sold for $360,250 on 06.20.2011. Interesting to note that two of the back on market listings are now priced significantly higher indicating that the original list price did not reflect the current market. When working with short sales, keep in mind the premise that neither fantasy list prices, nor fantasy offer prices will be approved by the lien holders. Both must accurately reflect the current market. The days of lien hol...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
In my lifetime, I have never experienced nor heard my parents talk about our current situation with foreclosures, short sales and the effort to do loan modifications. Frankly, yesterday when I heard Tim Gietner would be leaving, I said good.. It is pretty clear that a big percentage of homeowners are being forced to attempt a short sale, most it seems with little success. The Banks have not been approving loan modifications to any great degree, even with the federal program in place. leaving homeowners in distress. Up a creek with no paddle. I have seen, as I am sure you have, several instances where struggling borrowers try to work with their lender, with their bank, only to learn that the bank won't even consider a loan modification. When they call and ask about loan mods, the le...
By Terrie Leighton, Reno Real Estate Agent ~ Selling Homes in Reno
(Ferrari-Lund Real Estate )
Incline Village, Nevada is located on the North Shore of the beautiful Lake Tahoe. Incline Village is so exciting because of its close proximity to Reno, only 45 minutes away and is close to the Reno/Tahoe International Airport. Living at Incline Village offers the perfect mix of skiing, golfing, mountain living and lake front opportunities. Buying a condo at Lake Tahoe has never been more affordable. Prices range from the low $100's to the high $1millions. Many home buyers and investors are taking advantage of today's real estate market and are purchasing condos. Condo ownership at Lake Tahoe are great investments. Many are able to rent these properties during the year to help cover monthly HOA costs as well as annual property taxes. Buying a Incline Village Condo as a vacation rental ...
Into FULL BLOWN SUMMER we go...For the week of June 20-26th the following was happening inside the Incline Village MLS in the form of new homes for sale, new escrows andproperties SOLD!!! This week was pretty busy with 17 new listings (a few repeats, back on the market and at new prices too), 17 price changes (one actually increased...OK!), 2 condos SOLD, 2 PUD's or Planned Unit Developments SOLD and 3 single family homes. Also this week 6 properties went into escrow. Read the entire post...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
My party for ActiveRain's celebration your 5th anniversary would be a big birthday bash at Lake Tahoe on a special boat. Just imagine. The weather is a comfortable 78 degrees. No wind, the sky is very blue, almost as blue as Lake Tahoe. Your on a one of a kind very special boat heading across the lake from Tahoe City, CA to a catered luncheon being held at the Whittell Estate on the Eastshore Nevada side, by "Men With Fire BBQ Catering" in celebration of ActiveRains success over the past 5 years. All 209,852 members have been invited, but unfortunately only a few will be able to attend. Are you one of them?? George Whittell had a life-long fascination with the latest technology of the day, particularly that which manifested itself in aircraft, automobiles and boats. Among the man...
REAL ESTATE IS MOVING in Incline Village, NV. This week alone 24 new homes on the market, 16 price reductions and 17 status changes. Buyers are pulling in the good deals and realistic sellers are getting a chance to sell their home in a REALLY tough market. Read the entire story here...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
Below is the updated list of Incline Village bank owned and short sale listings. On the short sale list, we added 8 new short sale listings. The list is beginning to grow. Partly because of the time it takes to clear the property through the system, still in many cases 90 days plus. Also changed, 3 new pending sales, 4 price reductions and 1 price increase, yes an increase. No short sale listings to report closed and that as I said is part of the problem. On the bank owned list, we have one pending to report and three closed escrows. The closed escrows include: 807 Alder Ct #21 listed for $125,000 sold 05/09/2011 for $120,000 807 Alder #10 listed for $165,000 sold 06/02/2011 for $168,000. 939 Incline Way #219 listed for $364,900 sold 06/03/2011 for $399,500. Bid up likely by a...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
So, how have your escrows been going? Above is how most of mine have been over the past 3-4 years. Everyone an exercise........and a learning experience. But I have hung in, and most all have closed. Probably like you, I have re-set the close date on many an escrow, some several times. I have been going through old papers from years ago. I found this one that my first broker had posted on the office bulletin board. You remember those. Made from cork, had a wooden frame. I got a big laugh when I found this and hope you do also......
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
Find below the updated list of Incline Village bank owned and short sale listings. On the short sale list we have four new short sale listings, one price reduction, one back on market and one closed escrow. The new home at 1079 Mill Creek Road sounds like a deal. The home at 738 Kelly listed for $265,000 finally sold for $265,000 on 5/31/2011. On the bank owned list, we have one price reduction, one new escrow and one closed transaction. The closed escrow was 725 Fairview #10 listed for $374,900 and sold for $425,000 on 05/31/2011. Have a great weekend. Denise Cash 775.691.3844 Ken Cash 775.691.3855 Incline Village Condominium/PUD Short Sale Listi...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
I'm holding stubbornly to the good news that winter is coming to an end in Lake Tahoe, finally. Although not a really warm day here, it is still encouraging. The daffodils are out and survived several recent snow storms and we are getting more buyers visiting the area, calling, making plans to visit soon, given the in the flow of economic recent indicators. Dismissing the idea of the 20-area market report recently, our buyers are serious and acknowledge that Lake Tahoe is NOT one of the 20-areas used for a poorly done report. Enough of time here on this subject. We are very ready to give it all away by comparing today's numbers to those of a "normal" or of boom markets.. In that way, we overlook what is happening this moment. And this moment is very quickly becoming the last and ...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
Please find attached the update to Incline Village short sale and bank owned listings as we enter the Memorial Weekend. On the short sale list, since last week there were two closings, one new pending, one price reduction and one new listing. The Tyrolian Village home at 1327 Tirol listed at $269,500 sold for $240,000 5/27/2011. The home at 967 Granite Ct. listed at $439,900 sold for $418,000 5/23/2011. On the bank owned list, there is only one closing and one price reduction to report. The condo listing at 872 Tanager St. #59 listed at $72,900 sold for $70,000 5/26/2011. Have a great Memorial weekend. Don't pay any attention to the snow. It is rare but overall typical. Coldwell Banker Sel...
More listings and a full tour for tomorrow. Sellers are quickly gearing up for the HOT Summer season despite our cooler temps. There were 21 new listings this week, 13 price reductions, 7 new escrows and 5 properties SOLD! With the most recent price reductions the hot properties to lookout for include... Click here for the whole story...
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
Do you remember a book, Live and Learn and Pass it On? Everyday people were ask to finish the sentence, "I've learned that...". It resulted in some heartwarming and humorous comments of wisdom and learning experiences from people of all ages. For example: "I've learned that once a woman decides she wants something, never underestimate her ability to get it." -Age 34 "I've learned that making a living is not the same as making a life." -Age 58 "I've learned that the dashing young knight on his snow white steed who was going to ride into my life and weep me off my feet has apparently gotten lost in the forest." -Age 46 "I've learned that trust is the single most important factor in both personal and professional relationships." -Age 20 "I've learned that the secret of success i...