How Many Of You, Can Relate to This? The True Colors, of Others.
By David Snell 7045450098, Water Damage, Water Removal, Mold Removal!
I got the above from Kelly's Tree House. Courtesy of Kelly's Tree House from Face Book. It is during the worst storms that we face and go through that we will get to see, the true colors of other people and if they really have our back and care about us or they do not care about us. How many people do you think really care about you? Oh, you will find out. It will not be during your good times or times of prosperiety but during the times when you are down and sick or bed ridden. You will get to see who comes to see you in the hospital and who comes to see you at home during your time of need. I am better off knowing now, who has my back and who does not. I will endure and I will surrive. I have been bed ridden 3 times in my life and during these times, it has been a time that I ...