
Edina, MN Real Estate News

By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  Have you checked your stats?   Hosted Email Marketing is better than regular email for reaching your customers because you track what happens after you click “Send.” Just log in to see who read, clicked, and forwarded your email to their friends.   Check out these easy-to-understand graphs and reports.        Tuesday's Technology Tip       Need a new smart phone ?   Click Here to see CNET’S top picks!   All Carriers-Droids and iPhones   Motorola, Samsung, Apple or HTC???                
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  Do you have a Mastermind?   Mastermind groups were first described in Napoleon Hill’s 1937 book Think and Grow Rich. A much simpler definition was provided by Wikipedia as: “A small club of like-minded advanced talents who meet periodically for mutual brainstorming/ accountability sessions.” Click Here for 10 tips for a successful Mastermind Group      Tuesday's Technology Tip   Nutshell Mail   Get all of your Social Media Updates in ONE daily email! One simple email covers everything ! Give NutshellMail a try- it’s Free, Easy & Secure!    
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  Fanbruary is a time for you to turn fans into customers with Social Campaigns. Our tools and coaching help you to create a Facebook Landing page and build marketing campaigns that engage not only your existing audience, but new Facebook fans, too.   See what  Social Campaigns can do for you!    Tuesday's Technology Tip   Listing syndication is bigger than ever now.. Have you taken a look at ListHub lately? Let us show you how to get it set up for success!      
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  Many residents in Edina and across the country routinely choose to the month of January to make a New Year’s resolution.  The New Year sparks hope among all of a better year to come. Becoming more fit routinely ranks among the top ten in New Year’s resolutions each year.  The Southdale Edina YMCA has seen a rise in new memberships since the beginning of the year. If you are looking to keep your resolution to stay fit this year consider becoming a member of the nonprofit center that serves  Edina, Richfield, Bloomington, Eden Prairie and south Minneapolis. The facility recently opened its updated and expanded fitness center earlier last month. The remodel has been many years in the making and the expansion is expected to attract many new members.   The expansion added nearly 16,000 sq ...
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By Casey J. Anderson
(IBR Realty)
3 Ways To Find homes in Edina There are a few different ways to find homes for sale in Edinathat people use when buying a home. As most home buyers begin their search for their dream home on the web, I am finding that far too many miss out on all of the possible opportunities to search for the right home. In this post I’ll share with you the benefits and challenges to each of the methods for finding homes for sale in Edina. Finding Edina homes For Sale On The Internet One of the first places to start is to go to my website to search for all of the available homes from all of the local brokers, with all of the details posted to the MLS. The large national search engines leave out many of the most important details such as property taxes of the home. However when buying a home factors suc...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  Why are visitors on your website?   Are Your Visitors Getting Any Closer To Doing Business With You Because Of Their Experience On Your Website?   Visit the Real Estate Tomato’s Blog    Tuesday's Technology Tip   Need a simple solution to share your desktop?   Here you go: (Thanks @nobuhata)      
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
    Do you have Brand Equity?   Is your brand easily recognized?   Is your brand easily recalled by a consumer if asked?   Is your brand trusted and recommended?   Click Here for Brand Equity and Why you need it!  Tuesday's Technology Tip What can all your devices have in common?  Gmail!Use it for Contact Management, Calendars, and EmailGmail and Google Apps - One Simple Solution!Log in and check it out:         Valentine's Days fast approaching Pamela ... Show YOUR Valentine that you love them a "latte" ! Send a fabulous card with a $5 Starbucks giftcard! Click Here to learn more about how easy this can be! 
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By Casey J. Anderson
(IBR Realty)
3 Ways To Find homes in Edina There are a few different ways to find homes for sale in Edinathat people use when buying a home. As most home buyers begin their search for their dream home on the web, I am finding that far too many miss out on all of the possible opportunities to search for the right home. In this post I’ll share with you the benefits and challenges to each of the methods for finding homes for sale in Edina. Finding Edina homes For Sale On The Internet One of the first places to start is to go to my website to search for all of the available homes from all of the local brokers, with all of the details posted to the MLS. The large national search engines leave out many of the most important details such as property taxes of the home. However when buying a home factors suc...
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  The Galleria shopping center in Edina is slated to see big changes. It will soon be the home to several new retailers. Among the new stores a 15,000-square-foot anchor store is planned for the mall’s east end later this year. An Ohio based furniture company, Arhaus Furniture, a home design company founded in 1986 is planning to open in the Galleria also later this year. The store is anticipating it will open in the autumn of 2012. This will be the first store for Arhaus Furniture within the five-state region. Marmi, an European influenced footwear and accessories store also plans to open later this year at the Galleria. A locally owned boutique shop, Allure Intimate Apparel, is making plans to occupy a 1,800 square-foot space next to STYLEDLIFE later this spring. Bang & Olufsen, Cole ...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  What is your USP?   Did you know that the person who made this called it a Harley?   Would you?   You might know how to ride a motorcycle, you might know how to identify what makes it is better than another, you might know which one is the fastest, has the most power, or can go from 0-60 the fastest,   But can you make one?? In Reality in Advertising (Reeves 1961, pp. 46–48) Reeves laments that the U.S.P. is widely misunderstood and gives a precise definition in three parts:      1) Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer. Not just words, not just product puffery, not just show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: "Buy this product, and you will get this specific benefit."       2) The proposition must be one that the competition either ca...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  Who’s in your face?   The reason we’re asking you is because you might have forgotten how important real conversations, in real time, in real rooms, could be. Today we need to be reminded again that there is nothing like a face-to-face meeting.       Why Face to Face Meetings Still Matter!  
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
Chloe is the grandaugther of our friend and client Jack McCarty
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
Do you know the lingo?   If you think that Facebook isn’t important for your business, then you don’t need to read this 45 page downloadable report on how to Facebook Marketing. Or, maybe you should… Must Read 10 Day Plan !   FlightPlan is built upon the premise that people can transform their business and themselves, driven by desire, focus, goal clarity, willingness to change and consistent persistence. Mike Hoffman, the founder of FlightPlan, helps the Prescott Group and many of our clients stay the course… Click Here to Learn More about FlightPlan   Upcoming Training Events with Chris & Tricia Jan. 20th-Constant Contact-Engagement Marketing             8:30 AM-SPAAR- Eagan 4490 Erin Drive             Free-Click for registration and information   Jan. 26th- Send Out Cards Overview an...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  Starting off a new quarter requires us to take a look at how we spend our time each day. Where should you spend your time?   In what he refers to as Quadrant II Time Management, author Stephen Covey identifies tasks and activities that take up a great deal of our time, but which can or should be eliminated to improve effectiveness. He explains that most time-management tools focus on “prioritizing and accomplishing the urgent activities of Quadrants I and Ill. Focusing on daily planning, these tools help people become more efficient... but not more effective.” Focusing on the important but not urgent activities of Quadrant II makes the vital difference in personal and organizational effectiveness. Quadrant I activities are driven by crises. For example, firefighters often live within ...
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What's in it for me? New Year's etiquette Blog #1 As we ring in the New Year and make those New Year's resolutions a great practice for all agents would be show etiquette on the job. Buyers agents when you are out showing properties to buyers and they  hate the neighborhood/curb appeal of the home and want skip the showing  proper etiquette suggests that you contact the listing agent  so they can contact their sellers immediately.  (unless it is a foreclosed/ vacant  home, that call can be made after the showing tour is finished)   The most common reply  I get from buyers agents for the drive by is "I don't want to waste my clients time".  I totally get it and please understand I don't want my client to waste any more of their time.  In our market most sellers spend a great deal of time...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  2011 has been a great year!  We guarantee that you can find reasons why 2011 was one of the best years ever! Let's Review and Reflect...   If you are still alive today and have your health - fantastic! If you are not in prison - sweet! If you have food in your belly - tremendous! If you have clothes on your back - gnarly! If you have a handful of true friends - totally cool! If you have a roof over your head - the best! If you have dependable transportation - rock on!   Now, let's Review and Reflect on your business?   1) What is the Product that you sell? 2) Who is your Target Market? 3) Do you enjoy what you do? 4) Last Quarter - Commissions Earned? 5) Last Quarter - Units Sold? 6) Last Quarter - Average Commission?           13 Weeks of Accountablity for only $100 Ben Franklin says...
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By Phil Holm
(Edina Realty)
  20 years ago I drove aimlessly around the Twin Cities 494 /694 loop wondering who I was and where I was going.  I found myself (driven by the radio ad on  KDWB) at  Alley gators bowling alley and bar.  Single and alone I sat with a couple bottles of leinenkugel's beer and a pack of Marlboro reds pondering, hoping, dreaming ......                  Fast forward to today As I walked into the office this morning mentally making "the list" of all tasks that needs to be accomplished a siren sounded in my brain crying "TOAST< TOAST TOAST< TOAST> TOAST TOAST> TOAST TOAST"  Don't forget the  toast, What am I going to say tonight before we sit down for our delicious meal? Mentally preparing my words of peace and love I remembered noticing the beautiful table setting already lovingly prepared by...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
  In Homer's epic poem we learn that an Odyssey is a long, wandering, and eventful journey. 2011 has been an Odyssey for many of you, and 2012 will be another Odyssey for you   The Question is... Which Homer will tell your tale?   12 Things Happy People Do Differently by Jacob Sokol   1) Express Gratitude 2) Cultivate Optimism 3) Avoid Over-thinking and Social Comparisons 4) Practice Acts of Kindness 5) Nurture Social Relationships 6) Develop strategies for Coping 7) Learn to Forgive 8) Increase "Flow" Experiences 9) Savor Life's Joys 10) Commit to your Goals 11) Practice Spirituality 12) Take care of your body      
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  Budget cuts this year in the Edina School District resulted in many programs being lost that many parents considered as an integral part to their children's education. The $2.3 million in budget reductions for the 2011-2012 school year resulted in the Spanish program being cut at the elementary level. Edina Community Education Services is stepping in and now offering world languages for elementary students as part of a pilot program. The pilot program offers many different languages. The program goes as far as to connect Edina’s elementary students with their very own teacher live from Shanghai, China. Virtual learning is a growing thing across the country and it has been met with many positive results. Many parents are very happy with the program and appreciate the opportunity for th...
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By The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!
(The Prescott Group)
    Prepare to be enlightened! Enlightened Perspective 12/13/2011   Written by Andy Rooney , a man who has the gift of saying so much with so few words.  Andy Rooney died Friday night 4 November, according to CBS, only a month after delivering his 1,097th and final televised commentary. Rooney had gone to the hospital for an undisclosed surgery, but major complications developed and he never recovered. He was 92 years old. I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows. I've learned.... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day. I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. I've learned ....That bei...
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