
Nampa, ID Real Estate News

By Ernie McNaught
(Crossroads Real Estate)
In a previous blog I mentioned we were going to our "adopted" grand daughters home for a meal, wondering if she might serve us some Brazilian food.  She served two dishes which were almost daily fare for her parents.  Her parents grew up in different area of Brazil and one dish was common for her father, one for her mother.  One dish she said was Angu.  It was a corn dish.  The other was a rice and bean dish.  The names are Aroz (rice) and fejao (beans) which we piled together.  Am I a blessed man, or what? 
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By Ernie McNaught
(Crossroads Real Estate)
I live in a community that actively contributes to a positive and good quality of life.  In Nampa alone we have Mission Aviation Fellowship, Hands of Hope, and Because International.   MAF, now headquartered in Nampa, is an effective organization which trains and deploys highly skilled pilots who fly to remote area around the world in response to emergency medical situations.  I have read many amazing stories of success. Hands of Hope has a vision to "serve the needs of others as a compassionate ministry pursing excellence and quality, and facilitate the movement of donated medical supplies and equipment to those in need."  I have personally benefited from their dream when I needed a knee cart to recover from foot surgery. Because Inter...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Most of us work really hard to help our clients in their home sale or purchase.. A lot of what we do is done behind the scenes.... Things our clients might not even know we do.... Last summer I had an opportunity to counsel a potential client on whether or not they should purchase the home next door to them in Nampa Idaho.... Their son had been given the home....had placed a loan on it and at that time signed a shared well agreement.  Bad times had fallen on the son and they were losing this now a rental home as well as their own personal home.   Of course the parents didn't want to get the loan out of arrears...they wanted to purchase the home for market value When I was researching where the property was in the foreclosure process I noticed that their was still a valid shared well agr...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is that time of the year in Nampa Idaho... The irrigation systems have all been shut down So it is time to winterize your automatic sprinkler systems.. Other wise known as blowing out your sprinklers... For about $25-30 hire some one to come out and turn off the main valve and blow out your system. It is amazing how much water is still in the pipes when they turn on the air compressors... This is important so that your sprinklers don't freeze with water in the pipes... If water freezes in your sprinkler system you could break a pipe and have a pretty good leak next spring.   Don't know who to call?   Try Shannon at Tuft Sprinkler Blowouts... I have used them for the past 4 years. They are friendly and professional and it only cost me $25.00 Call Shannon today to set up an appointment...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Reading the Idaho Press Tribune today I came across a couple of fun events for the Halloween Holiday First off today is a great day to try out your Fun Halloween Costume... From 11-3 today October 22, 2011 Run to the Goodwill Store at 1105 Caldwell Blvd in Nampa Idaho It is Trunk or Treat time Wear your costume...the best costume wins a $10 Goodwill gift Card Hot Rods and Motorcycles will also be on display all day long if you want a bargain... Bring a Non Perishable food donation to benefit 12 baskets Foodbank and receive a 20% off coupon to be used during your shopping trip on 10/22/2011    
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Things to Do in and Around Nampa Idaho....Nampa First Christian Church Annual Bazaar   For as long as I can remember a tradition in our family was to go to the  Nampa First Christian Church Annual Bazaar The tradition continues... Not only do you have a chance to buy hand crafted items donated by church members... (Think Christmas!!) But you can get somy yummy treats The church members have been busily making NOODLES... Yes Home made noodles will once again be for sale... I heard that over 200 lbs of noodles had been made... Bags of Noodles will be available for sale for your freezer But if you can't wait... Have lunch down at Nampa First Christian Church 619 12th Avenue South Bowls of Hot Turkey and Noodles or Home Made Chili will be served Add a treat of a home made scone or a slice o...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Things to Do In and Around Nampa Idaho---Better Business Bureau Shredding Event It is that time of the year for the Better Business Bureau Shredding Event October 22, 2011 Nampa Idaho's Idaho Center Parking Lot 10 am -Noon The BBB has teamed up with Cinta Document Management Last year this event generated so much interest that the line was very long In an effort to accomodate more folks it is asked that you bring up to 3 sacks only.   You may also bring older, unused or broken cell phones... they will also be recycled.   Boise folks don't despair....the BBB will hold another shred event at the Idaho Transportation Department the weekend closest to April 15th...Tax for more information on that event.            
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
A few weeks ago a beloved Realtor in our area passed away.... I wrote a blog on my special relationship with Bob... Bob was a huge mentor to me in the days that we sold Real Estate.... We went on many 2 man jobs!   Even when he was in the assisted living center in Nampa Idaho I would pick him up and we would go to visit my listings to put out flyers or signs name it. Both of my grand fathers have been gone for a long time.... In some ways Bob was a surragate Grandfather to me... He recited Cowboy poetry for many years.   I talked him into letting us record him....took me nearly 3 years to talk him into it!   We recorded and videoed it and then ran into technical difficulties in editing the video.... Finally we have it done! I am not sure how to attach the video to this blog....h...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Sending out a great big cheer to my Niece  and her team mates from Nampa Christian's 8th Grade girls!!! The girls went into the tournament in first place... They hosted Cole Valley Christian and easily beat them on Tuesday Tonight they played New Plymouth... First game was a tight score but New Plymouth won That wound up the girls They easily won the next 2 games to win the Tournament!!! The girls have came so far.....playing with a lot of team work!!! Go Nampa Christian Trojans!!! We are so proud of you!!! 
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month... To honor and to raise money the Nampa Family Justice Center (FJC) is holding its annual scrapbooking session. Saturday October 8, 2011 2 sessions this year 1 to 6 is $20 6-Midnight is $25 Or both sessions for $40   Karcher Nazarene Church is where this will be held.  (Corner of Middleton and Karcher Road) What a fun event to catch up on your scrapbooking .....and to raise money for such a worthwhile organization!  Don't miss out!!! For reservations or more information Please Call Joni Buckley 208 475-5740
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Many folks have transplanted themselves  to Nampa Idaho from California... Those who have moved to Idaho probably don't miss the Earthquakes..... I know that is one part of California I don't miss...... But did you know that Idaho actually has some pretty serious earthquake faults that run through the state.... However most are very inactive...from what I have been told....if they were active they could do more damage than the faults in California.... Idaho will be taking part in the largest Earthquake Drill in Idaho History on October 20, 2010 Drop....Cover.....Hold On..... if your organization would like to participate please register at   Details of this event provided by Deborah Byron Leffler the BzyBee Real Estate Lady
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Attention Nampa Meridian Irrigation Users.... It was announced that the Irrigation water for 2011 will be shut off on October 6, 2011 Some subdivisions that have pressurized irrigation and a back up source will continue to have water!  For the rest of us...we will have to hope that the weather turns cooler soon.... Don't forget to get your sprinklers blown out... And here is hoping we get lots of Mountain Snow this year so we can have another full year of irrigation water.  Since we only get an average of 12 inches of precipitation here in the Treasure Valley annually we rely heavily upon the Nampa Meridian Irrigation systems to keep our lawns green!    If you have questions please contact Greg Curtis at 208 466-0663    
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is time for the Salvation Army Annual Banquet and Fundraiser In Nampa Idaho   Thursday October 6, 2011  5:00 Silent Auction 6:00 Dinner Nampa Civic Center Come on down for Silent and Live Auctions And a great Dinner MC for the evening is Dee Sarton of Channel 7 KTVB For tickets please call 208 467-6586 This is one of the funnest banquets.... They auction off everything from Sacks of Sugar to Live Chickens And of course everything else in between! Here is your chance to live by their motto: "Changing the World One Life at a Time!!"    
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
When it is fall we have all sorts of smells in the air..... Hot apple cider, leaves and wood burning.... And as we look around we can see all the fall colors... Reds, golds, and brilliant oranges... We even hear different sounds during Fall.... the leaves falling, The air is chillier in the mornings and the evening yet still warm during the day... Aww the Days of Fall in Nampa Idaho.... Nothing is better....     But the best thing about Fall is the annual festivals around town... Sunday October 2nd Downtown Nampa will be hosting their  2nd Annual Fall Fest 11 am to 8 pm in Lloyds Square   1300 Front Street Full day of entertainment, and plenty of eats! Beer and Wine will be served Local Artisans will be set up  and there will be plenty of kids activities This is sponsored by Think Nampa...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Today my blog is dedicated to one of my best friends Robert J Brown January 5, 1924 - September 22, 2011 Bob and I became friends when I first started in Real Estate July 1, 1994 We both worked at the same Coldwell Banker office Bob was the one who took care of everyone in the office.... He would wash the coffee mugs that other agents were to lazy to wash....he would stay late to make sure you didn't have to walk to your car in the dark.  He also was always willing to help out a female agent when she got a floor call and didn't think it was safe to go show a home alone.   He loved a pretty girl...and would flirt away ...  He really liked when my friend Faye would visit from California. He liked to tell about the time that I was going to list a home in Horseshoe Bend Idaho..... Horseshoe...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is time for the 4th Annual Nampa Play Day September 24, 2011 8 am to 7 pm Nampa Rec Center FREE ADMISSION   1-8 pm Ridgecrest Golf Club... Kids get a free bucket of balls and golf   2 pm City Hall Moving Planet Rally   3-6 pm 18th Avenue South (from 4th and 7th Street South) Street Fair--Food--Games--and Activities Bike or Walk to the Street Fair and Receive a Special Treat!   4:30 pm 18th Avenue South Bike Parade Part of the Celebration of Nampa being Named to the Playful City USA group! for more information please call (208) 468-5858 or click here
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By Kasey & John Boles, Boise & Meridian, ID Ada/Canyon/Gem/Boise Counties
(Jon Gosche Real Estate, LLC -
With so many people out of work, on government help programs and who have difficulty budgeting, Nampa Idaho has one of the very best community programs that I have ever heard of or been a part of.  Love Inc is a private, Christian organization that is run primarily by the work of volunteers - thousands of volunteers for the multitude of different programs it has.  One of the main programs that Love Inc has is called the New Hope Relational Program.  People who are having trouble budgeting and making ends meet are able to join this program and get a budget counselor to work with them and help them find places they could cut back, negotiate debt down with creditors and a whole multitude of other things.  It is a big commitment - every Thursday evening for a whole year.  Besides this progr...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Sending out a big Shout Out to Brandt Agency in Nampa Idaho 75 Years since they were founded John Brandt started the company and his Son Don Brandt continues the tradition! They celebrated with a bbq on September 7th!   What an accomplishment!!! Brandt Agency has specialized in all aspects of real estate... New Construction - Farm And Ranch! Congratulations Brandt Agency!!!
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
  United We Stand “A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.” --President George W. Bush, September 11, 2001 Ten years ago Americans froze in their attacks as we watched a cowardly attack on our soil unfold on TV.....Thousands of innocent victims died in these senseless attacks.  Of the 2,753 victims who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center were 343 firefighters and 60 police officers from New York City and the Port Authority and 8 private emergency medical technicians and paramedics.  Another 184 people were killed in the attack on the Pentagon.   The overwhelming maj...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
There is still time to register for the.... The Roger Curran Invitatonal Community Walk/Run Saturday September 10th, 2011 Run begins at 11:15 5 K and 2 K Walk/Run West Park Nampa Idaho (Off Lone Star Road) Registration is $25 and includes T-Shirt and BBQ Lunch or or call 208 573-4881 This invitational is in honor of Dr Roger Curran, beloved physician who died tragically in an accident in 2004.  The proceeds of this walk/run benefit H.E.L.P. (Health Education and Leadership Program  and will provide scholarships to students seeking a degree in health care related fields! 
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