The Georgia Craft Brewery Tour - Wild Heaven Beer
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
I'll have to thank my sister in Montana (well maybe only partly) to turning me into a beer snob. Yeah, I used to be that Miller Lite kinda guy. With an occasional detour with Corona or Heinekin. But all that has changed with the ever-growing craft beer industry. (I could say craze, but that might make one think this is just a fad...and we know that is not the case!) Each trip home to Montana, I sample some of the local flavor of Montana. But, then....there is Georgia! The Georgia Craft Brewery Tour - Wild Heaven BeerSo, somewhere, I got this idea...I'm going to tour every craft brewery in the state of Georgia, and do a blog post about it! Now I'm not a beer connoisseur by any fact, my posts may very well be "tainted" to the lighter side of the beer offerings at each of these ...