
Montgomery, AL Real Estate News

By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
If you have a home that only you can love, you will benefit for these 8 low cost fixes to getting your Montgomery home sold quickly. We don't live in a house the way we sell a house. Buyers aren't interested in seeing dirty socks lying around or dirty dishes in the sink. Below are a list inexpensive things, from Realtor Magazine, that you can do to make buyers fall in love with your Montgomery home.1. Move it. Simply rearranging the furniture can reenergize a room. Add and remove furniture, lamps, rugs, and accessories from other parts of the house to create a whole new look. Mirrors are particularly useful when it comes to updating a room. Try one out in different rooms to see where it fits best. Even just moving a mirror to a different wall can create a more welcoming feel. 2. Plant i...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Montgomery just keeps getting better! In Forbes Magazine's 11th annual ranking of the Best Places for Business and Careers, Montgomery ranked 49, up from 102 last year and 120 in 2007.  Fueling Montgomery's rise in the rankings is the "Projected Job Growth" for the Montgomery Metro - rising from 57 in 2008 to 17 this year. In fact all of Alabama's metros are in the top 20 metros, out of 200 metros.The rankings are determined by a series of metrics established by Forbes ranking factors including local colleges, educational attainment of residents, and quality of life offerings. With 651,000 jobs in February and 4.4 million since the recession began in December 2007, this is quite an accomplishment for Montgomery. Kudos to all!! 
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Pending homes sales continued their decline as potential buyers waited for clarity on the housing stimulus bill and the weakening economy according to the National Association of Realtors®.  The Pending Home Sales Index, a forward-looking indicator based on contracts signed in January, fell 7.7 percent to 80.4 from a downwardly revised reading of 87.1 in December, and is 6.4 percent below January 2008 when it was 85.9. The index is at the lowest level since tracking began in 2001, when the index value was set at 100.  Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said the downturn in the economy also weighed heavily on the data. "Even with many serious potential home buyers on the sidelines waiting for passage of the stimulus bill, job losses and weak consumer confidence were a natural drag on hom...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
If you are thinking of selling your Montgomery home this spring, now is the time to start getting ready to sell. Below are 5 things to do before putting the ‘For Sale' sign in the yard:    1. Have a presale home inspection. Be proactive by arranging for a pre-sale home inspection. An inspector will be able to give you a good indication of the trouble areas that will stand out to potential buyers, and you'll be able to make repairs before open houses begin.   2. Organize and clean. Pare down clutter and pack up your least-used items, such as large blenders and other kitchen tools, out-of-season clothes, toys, and exercise equipment. Store items off-site or in boxes neatly arranged in the garage or basement. Clean the windows, carpets, walls, lighting fixtures, and baseboards to make the ...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight has ranked Montgomery among the top ten cities for median home price appreciation when compare to 300 metropolitan areas in a fourth-quarter home price appreciation index. Montgomery ranks 8th with 4.06 percent appreciation for the year, 3.25 percent appreciation for the quarter and 29.01 percent appreciation over the past 5 years. Montgomery real estate is definitely holding its own compared to other parts of the country. These statistics along with the $8000 first time home buyer tax credit, an abundance of inventory and record low interest rates, make NOW a great time to buy Montgomery real estate. You can learn more at Search all Montgomery real estate and homes for sale.
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
After holding fairly stable for a year, pending home sales declined in the face of job losses and an eroding economy, according to the National Association of Realtors®. The Pending Home Sales Index, a forward-looking indicator based on contracts signed in November, fell 4.0 percent to 82.3 from a downwardly revised reading of 85.7 in October, and is 5.3 percent below November 2007 when it was 86.9. The current index is the lowest since the series began in 2001. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said a weakening was inevitable. "Mounting job losses and very weak consumer confidence deterred home buyers from signing contracts in November," he said. "December's housing market activity could be comparably lower due to ongoing problems in the economy, so a real estate-focused stimulus plan...
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
Former Governor of Alabama, Guy Hunt passed away yesterday at the age of 75. For all that new him, it is truly a sad time. Guy was an Baptist preacher who in 1986 turned politics as usually upside down. When he spoke you knew the truth was being told and that is what ultimately got him put out of office. Speaking of character assassination, no one knew that better than Guy. He was a Republican and we didn't always agree on politics, but I always regarded him as an honest, down to earth person. He was removed from office and later exonerated but did anyone apologize, put him back in office oh no. The fabrication was so unreal, so pathetic, it makes one sick just having to think about it. Guy showed Alabama, if not the world that an honest man could hold office, could be ethical and could...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Pending home sales eased against a deteriorating economic backdrop but remain in a stable range, according to the National Association of Realtors®.  The Pending Home Sales Index, a forward-looking indicator based on contracts signed in October, slipped 0.7 percent to 88.9 from an upwardly revised reading of 89.5 in September, and is 1.0 percent below October 2007 when it was 89.8. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said a review of the past year is instructive. "Despite the turmoil in the economy, the overall level of pending home sales has been remarkably stable over the past year, holding in a generally narrow range," he said. "We did see a spike in August when mortgage conditions temporarily improved, which underscores two things - there is a pent-up demand, and access to safe, affo...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Montgomery Real Estate: Regulatory Reform Expected With Obama Presidency The upcoming presidential transition comes at a time of great challenges within the housing industry and the economy at large. Consequently, many are wondering what a Barack Obama presidency will mean for real estate and housing issues. National Association of Realtors analysts expect the Obama administration and the new Democratic-controlled Congress to focus on regulatory reform of the financial services industry, with potential changes to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This fall, Obama responded to Realtor® Magazine's questions about the mortgage crisis, sustainable development, housing affordability and other topics. Read the interview. to learn more about Montgomery real estate, please contact us at 334-834-1500 ...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Montgomery Schools Among Best In Nation   Schools are an important decision when buying a home...even if you don't have children. We all want the best education for our children. But schools also affect home values. If you put the same home in two different school districts, the home with the better schools is usually valued higher and will appreciate faster. Home buyers often think schools are better in outlying suburbs than in a city, but this is not the case in Montgomery.   U.S. News & World Report has chosen Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School as the 25th best high school in the nation. LAMP was the only Alabama public high school to receive a prestigious Gold Medal designation from the magazine.   Those of us who live in Montgomery are proud of, but not surprised by the g...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
This month's edition of the Montgomery Real Estate Podcast covers Montgomery real estate market activity and then we will talk about how with every change, there are hidden opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Features special guest Terri Murphy of US Learning. Program length: approximately 7 minutes download podcast mp3 file | subscribe to podcast feed   Learn about Montgomery real estate at
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Re-capturing The American Dream With Montgomery Real Estate   In the past, owning a home has always been perceived as a major component of the "American Dream." Unfortunately, because of the recent real estate market activity, home-ownership is often seen now as more of a nightmare than a dream. But that doesn't have to be the case! Even in a slower economy, purchasing Montgomery real estate can still be a step toward achieving your own "American Dream!"    Inman News offers some reasons why home ownership still has benefits and advantages, including: The opportunity to build equity and create wealth over time. Protection from rent increases or eviction at the whim of a landlord. The pleasures of a relatively larger home, suitable for a family, and with a backyard, garage or other auxil...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
I am - scheming to jump-start our business despite phone silence.I think - it's just like 1980-82, and a lot of us blew through that and are STILL here!!I want - to focus on all things positive...and there are so very manyI have - a warm bed to sleep in and people I care about and who care about me.  Who needs more?I wish - I could talk to my father about the economy.  Should have buried him with a microphone!I hate - negativity and all the ism's.I miss - my mother (died 6/2/97) and father (died 6/18/84) terribly.  They were fine and wise.I fear - failing my team.  They are such a gift to me and to the industry.I feel - apprehensive and excited at the same time.I smell - little...allergies keep me stuffed up most of the time.I search - daily for inspriration to begin anew and inspire th...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
As most owners of Montgomery real estate have realized by now, this is not the ideal time to try to sell a house. With a struggling economy and negative media surrounding the housing market, more and more homes are staying on the market for longer and longer as fewer buyers are out making offers. So what should you do if you are in a situation where you need to sell your home now? The Wall Street Journal offers the following tips that I hope you'll find helpful:   1. DON'T WAIT AROUND. Even in the better housing areas, it's taking a long time to sell houses; so, don't try to sit out the market. That's what hundreds of other timid sellers are doing, each of them hoping -- somehow, some way -- that hanging on the sidelines will improve prices and, ultimately improve the chances of a succe...
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  Capitol Realty Group L.L.C. is an independent real estate brokerage, committed to providing outstanding real estate service and value to our home and commercial buyer and seller clients. We are widely recognized as the preeminent residential and commercial real estate company in our capitol city of Montgomery, Alabama. We are proud to be known for developing quality working relationships with our clientele; relationships based on respect, integrity, and trust. Capitol Realty Group L.L.C. is equally proud to have developed beneficial relationships with residential and commercial lenders, home inspectors, contractors, and a wide range of housing professionals. We pride ourselves on building a solid foundation for your home or business to rest upon. Whether you are purchasing, selling, o...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Existing-home sales rose from the first quarter in 13 states, largely from buyers responding to discounted home prices, according to the latest quarterly survey by the National Association of Realtors®. Nearly one-quarter of metropolitan areas showed rising home prices in the second quarter from a year ago, with greatly mixed conditions continuing around the country. In the second quarter, 35 out of 150 metropolitan statistical areas1 showed gains in median existing single-family home prices from the second quarter of last year, while 115 had price declines. NAR's track of metro area home prices dates back to 1979. NAR President Richard Gaylord, a broker with RE/MAX Real Estate Specialists in Long Beach, Calif., said foreclosures are distorting the price data. "In many areas with large ...
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By Charlie & Ann Sadie Osten
(Sadie-Osten Team)
Radon Gas coming from Granite counter tops. What have you heard about this subject? I was in a CE class and this topic came up. Word is that Radon is coming out fron the Granite. I spoke to an owner of a Granite Co. and this is what he sent me. What do you know about this? TO: All Franchisees FROM: Franchise Advisory Support Team (FAST) SUBJECT: Radon Gas and Granite DATE: March 14, 2008 Dear Franchisees, In the past few months we have received a couple of inquiries about Radon in Granite slabs or granite countertops. Here is the reality about RADON and what you have to know to properly answer your customers. The original story broke more than 15 years ago. In the article, it says that certain granite have intrusions of radioactive minerals inside. That may be true to a certain extent. ...
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
The Montgomery Real Estate Podcast  August 2008: This month's edition covers Montgomery real estate market activity and then we will discuss today's Short Sale programs. Features special guest Terri Murphy of US Learning. download podcast mp3 file  |  subscribe to podcast feed Also read: Montgomery Real Estate: Short Sale Tips Montgomery AL Real Estate Podcast June 2008Montgomery AL Real Estate Podcast  May 2008 Search all Montgomery AL homes for sale.
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
I've often heard it said that the toughest real estate you'll ever manage is the 6 inches between your ears. And yesterday, at a presentation by Steve Murray of RealTrends, I heard it put another way: Succeeding in a down or challenging market depends not only on your skill sets but even more importantly on your mindset! Consumers are looking for positive news from positive people. So find the good in your market and talk it up! You'll be an irrestible magnet to those who really want to buy and really want to sell. And, like a magnet, we're hoping to attract all your Montgomery Alabama referrals! Thanks--we appreciate you! Sandra Nickel, ABR, CRS, SRESSandra Nickel, REALTORS1044 E Fairview AveMontgomery AL 36106800/HAT
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By Sandra Nickel, The Hat Team
(Sandra Nickel REALTORS)
Deliver this message to your buyer prospects and watch their motivation skyrocket: "Your enemy really isn't the sellers, who want to get the best possible price for their homes. Your enemy is all the other buyers who want exactly what you do! And remember, it's only a 'buyer's market' until there's more than one buyer interested in a home; and then the seller holds all the cards!" (Thanks, Brett Ellis, Fort Myers, FL, for these wise words!) We're all about getting your referred buyers and sellers exactly what they want in this market. So be sure to call on us for all your Montgomery, Alabama referrals! Thanks--we appreciate you! Sandra Nickel, ABR, CRS, SRESSandra Nickel, REALTORS1044 E Fairview AveMontgomery AL 36106800/HAT
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