Tim and Julie Harris ~ Real Estate Coaching & Realtor® Training

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Education & Training - Tim & Julie Harris® Real Estate Coaching
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® 10 Things Most Agents Insist On Learning The Hard Way Experienced agents are typically more successful than green ones - and the reason is because they make decisions based on countless life & career lessons they've learned throughout their career. While thes...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® The Real Estate Game That Makes You Money! We’re not talking about some new online game of chance, though — instead, we’re discussing the “Daily Success Game,” which helps you focus the hard work you already put into real estate into tangible financial result...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Inman Select: Top 10 Reasons You Should Join Today If you want to stay revelant in today’s market then you need to stay informed – the days of burying your head in the sand & running your business like it’s 1975 are long gone. Today we're giving you a 10-poin...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Your 12-Month Lead Generation Plan (Part 4) In today’s show, we’re discussing a 12-month plan that includes seasonally tailored events that help you engage your COI throughout the entire year with real, valuable activities — not just thoughtless gimmicks that...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Your 12-Step Program For Beating Buyer Lead Addiction They’re $20 each, only 5 percent convert — that’s $400 per qualified lead! With quality like that, maybe portals should be paying you — not the other way around! Today we're going to help you beat the habi...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Your 12-Month Lead Generation Plan (Part 3) Your center of influence (COI) is tremendously important to your real estate business, and just like any of your lead-generation tools, it requires nurturing and maintenance in order to remain effective. Today we're...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Your 12-Month Lead Generation Plan (Part 2) Your center of influence (COI) is tremendously important to your real estate business, and just like any of your lead-generation tools, it requires nurturing and maintenance in order to remain effective. Today we're...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Your 12-Month Lead Generation Plan There are many ways to generate new real estate business, but your center of influence (COI) is definitely one of the big ones. Today we're starting an in-depth discussion on how to work it, grow it, and keep that list of co...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Overcoming Rejection In Real Estate They say you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find … well, you know. The problem for most agents is avoiding serious depression while they’re face to face with all those frogs! So how do you avoid negativity about h...
Today On Real Estate Coaching Radio® Is Time-Management A Myth? How effectively do you manage your time — and is it possible to manage it more effectively? If you’re like most agents, poor time-management is a hidden drain on your profitability that quietly eats away at your patience, energy, pr...

Tim and Julie Harris

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