Than Maynard's Blog

Managing Real Estate Broker - Coldwell Banker Heart of Oklahoma - OREC#86951
Monthly Housing Stats: Norman, Oklahoma July, 2014 Note: Stats are for AMLSOK, which serves central Oklahoma.   Every month it is turning into a stronger seller's market. Last month's report showed good statistics for sellers and this month is even better. If you are looking or thinking about buy...
  August 18, 2014                              Community Healthcare Awareness Event   Are you currently uninsured, or know someone who is?  Do you have Medicare or Medicaid but haven't been able to find a medical provider accepting new patients?  Would you like to find a place where there are med...
  August 4, 2014                                              ChamberBucks are like gift certificates that can be used any participating business. Please contact the Chamber office if you are interested in purchasing ChamberBucks or if your business would like to participate in the program. This ...
A Night of Hard Drinking: A Joke Two hard working rough necks left the bar after a long night of drinking at a back woods bar and got into their truck.    Jed was driving and he started it up. After a couple of minutes of driving, an old man's face appeared in the passenger window and tapped ligh...
  I think the last scenerio is a really bad idea. Those in it for the points will never 'Like' anything, because they would lose their precious points. Giving the author points for likes, re-blogs and suggests sounds more reasonable to me (if AR really feels it is beneficial). How about a 'dislik...
  July 28, 2014                                                                                                                                                   Entertainment   9:00AM Teresa Cox- National Anthem & opening music 9:30AM-10:00AM Zenuba Dancers 10:00AM -Noon: Dark Horse Band (Jazz ,...
 Boatload of People Intercepted off Texas Coast   The Navy intercepted a boatload of people off the Texas coast today. This placed the Navy in an awkward position, as the boat was not heading to the US, but towards Mexico and Central America.   Another surprise finding was the people were white A...
Heart of Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce 7-21-14 July 21, 2014                        Upcoming Events   July 26, 2014 The Ride A BIG WHEEL RACE for kids of all ability levels ages 3 to 8, benefiting the United Way. Call First American Bank with any questions at 405-579-7000.   August 1-3 2014 Tax Fr...
Monthly Housing Stats: Norman, Oklahoma June, 2014 Note: Stats are for AMLSOK, which serves central Oklahoma.   June's stats seem to contradict themselves, but I believe the conflicting data is easily explained. Comparing June, 2013 to June, 2014 shows closing are down almost 10% and the year to ...
Check out the local events and upcoming activities. Sorry kids, less than a month until school starts!    July 14, 2014                        Upcoming Events   July 26, 2014 The Ride A BIG WHEEL RACE for kids of all ability levels ages 3 to 8, benefiting the United Way. Call First American Bank ...

Than Maynard

Broker - Licensed to List & Sell - 405-990-8862
local_phone(405) 527-3012
smartphone(405) 990-8862
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