Effective 4/1/2012, Washington State Law required the installation of carbon monoxide alarms for most real estate transactions. I created the following video illustrating the facts about carbon monoxide and laws pertinent thereto. Hopefully this video will help prevent some unnecessary deaths f
Tim M. Hance Board Certified Master Home Inspector, “Inspected Once, Inspected Right!” Website: www.allislandsinspections.com Phone: (360) 298-1163 Tim M. Hance Board Certified Master Home Inspector, “Inspected Once, Inspected Right!” Website: www.allislandsinspections.com Phone: (
Tim M. Hance Website: www.allislandsinspections.com Phone: (360) 298-1163 Serving ALL Skagit, San Juan, Island, Whatcom, and Snohomish Counties since 2005. Tim M. Hance Board Certified Master Home Inspector, “Inspected Once, Inspected Right!” Website: www.allislandsinspections.com
We all want our homes to be more energy efficient. And, with attractive rebate incentives from local utility providers to improve attic insulation, there's little reason to not jump on board. In fact, priority #1 should be to air seal and insulate the attic. Why? Because hot air rises. You w
Being a Home Inspector, I often feel like a Detective. Seller's disclosure forms don't always tell the whole picture; it's a nice idea but, frankly, sometimes these forms aren't worth the paper they're written on. For instance, inspecting a home yesterday, the Seller disclosed that the roof had
Living in the Anacortes, Washington area places unique demands upon your home. Ensuring your home is properly maintained is essential to safeguarding against potential major, costly, issues down the road. When I conduct home inspections in Anacortes, Washington, I get to see first hand the prob
Here are some FUN FACTS from my monthly eNewsLetter! While I have two children, I didn't know that about tears! Contact me if you'd like to subscribe for free. FUN Facts · Hydrogen is an explosive gas. Oxygen supports combustion. Yet the combination of these elements results in wat
Some interesting information from my monthly eNewsLetter. Contact me if you'd like to subscribe for free and get monthly updates! NEWS In March the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) prohibited private transfer fees on mortgages handled by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Lo
It's Spring - Time to Check All the Filters! Most of us remember to check and change the filters in our heating and air conditioning systems regularly (and we help by reminding you to do so), but as they say on infomercials, "Wait, there's more!" Most range vents and vent hoods have changeable
Here's some great information from my monthly eNewsLetter. Please contact me if you'd like to subscribe for free! Please Don't Eat the Daisies (or Cut the Daffodils-Yet) Most places have had a wet, mild spring and the bulb plants are doing well. By all means enjoy the daffodils and other spr