Steve, Joel & Steve A. Chain's (stevechain) Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Chain Real Estate Investments & Mortgage, Steve & Joel Chain
ActiveRain Meet Up, December 2011: We seized on the opportunity to take part in our first ActiveRain Meet Up, last Friday. It was also the first meet up in Redding CA and Shasta County. It was great to share business and social conversation without the use of a keyboard. Proving once again that ...
Facebook Timeline is presently available as an option. Timeline is a powerful replacement for Facebook personal profiles. After you 1st "get timeline" the application doesn't become "live" for 7 days allowing you to become familiar with the comprehensive new application. You will want to use thi...
Shasta Market Summary Home Sales , December 15, 2011, continue to trend up heading toward the end of year. Inventories have continued their declines month over month and year over year leading up to the Thanksgiving, Christmas Holiday season. Current Shasta MLS raw data reports 1,016 homes liste...
The Good News Rescue Mission Redding CA is an organization that celebrates giving not just at Christmas, but all year round. The Good News Rescue Mission has provided 100's of thousands of meals, numerous nights of lodging, clothing and ministry to those in need. The Christmas Celebration is sch...
Northern Valley Catholic Social Services and their Adopt a Family Program are a bright light in Redding, CA. Through various fundraising activities and community donations they are able to put whole families in touch with the celebration of Christmas. The Adopt a Family program covers Shasta, Teh...
Toys For Tots began in 1947. In 1995 the Secretary of Defense authorized Toys For Tots as an official mission of the US Marine Corps Reserves. In 1996 the commander of Marine Forces Reserve authorized Marine Corps League detachments and other local organizations to assist in the program. Numerous...
Bethel Church in Redding has been hosting The Holiday Feast for approximately 16 years. The honored guests are those families and friends in the Redding community who maybe facing limited opportunities to take part in Christmas Celebrations . Hundreds of meals are served. Live music and choir are...
The Ski Park is scheduled to open this month and certain to depend on snowfall. This year's snowfall is getting off to a bit of a slow start. Mount Shasta's forecast suggests a chance of snow late next week. Weekend temperatures are forecast in the 20's and 50's, with the next chance of snowfall ...
The Valdez, Alaska Fly-In 2011 was the site of numerous contests well suited to Alaska's bush pilots. The region's extreme beauty is equally matched by it's extreme flying conditions. These bush pilots and their planes demonstrate their extra ordinary STOL (short take off & landing) performance i...
AIRPORT AIRPARK HOMES - 09CL Alta Sierra Airport Hangar Home Parcel For Sale $159K, Grass Valley, CA - Airport Airpark Homes Chain Real Estate Overview Maps Photos Features Neighborhood $159,000 Lots and Land Main Features Lot: 0.91 acre(s) Location 19063 Norlene WYGrass Valley, CA 95949USA To g...