Hello ActiveRainers! Once again here is an opportunity for AR to make a name for itself: Boats! My good friend and client came to me with an offer to sell this to me and, pending further thoughts, I thought the least I could do is help him sell it first before I spend my own money on an asset I
This is an opportunity of a double-ender or a potential nightmare - what do you think?A good and loyal client of mine send me an urgent email saying help. The email went something like this: My friend's mom has found one property and both the seller and the buyer don't have realtors. And they ha
Dear Active Rain, I've been publishing regularly over the last 2 years, and am now on a second-wind. Well, over the last two weeks. Writing two posts per day in the late-summer months, 10 comments daily, and a number of new associations, with the weather cooling down in the luke warm real esta
Looking into more recent statistics, most from this spring and Summer, I find out some tasty news. Apparently Now, as international statistics are available about more recent Spanish property sales, the Spanish property market has seriously begun to rebound. Well, in VOLUME not in prices! Fore
In my search for Spanish investment properties for my Canadian clients, I've found out some very useful and positive news - for my clients, not the Spaniards. Here is a brief list of facts: On the plain below the central walled city of Avila, a world heritage site and a popular tourist destinatio
There is the odd day when doing something you absolutely love takes you back to the office at 11:30pm. A late-day closing where a client forgot to bring the draft on time, a last minute subject-removal, an international phone-call with clients from Europe or Asia, or very simply something that y
Every time I spend time out of the office I sense that I am missing out on something. I've come to equate the summer heat with working from the beach, or working from the caffe's outside of the office, and of course the occasional working from home. But, as I have come to find, working from hom
I have a client who fell in love with West Vancouver and North Vancouver and they kept asking me questions about "how far is it from Downtown" or "which direction is this or that..." or "how close am I to Simon Fraser University?..." etc. It seemed that explaining it in traditional ways was just
I've been thinking about loyalty lately, and here are some thoughts from my clients who've shared why they choose to work with the people they work with. First, have a look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW8amMCVAJQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player Watch a movement happen, sta
I need the genius of my AR crew! Should I post-cart of letter direct mail? Any other alternatives? What do I mean? Well, this article is a question for my favorite communities on Active Rain. This is not a blog or a post of some useful contact but rather a request for it. I kindly as all of