Question of the day: Can you tell me, what you did all day? Kidding Me? Well lets see, I made breakfast, threw a load of wash in the machine. Went next door to work on that paint job. You know ... the one our son jump out a window about. I came home and made lunch. Emptied the washer into the d...
Enough is Enough; I'm out of here! My son tried to warn me, but his warnings all fell on deaf ears. The stress of the job was just too much for him. 6 weeks of doing the same thing day in and day out was more than he could handle. He tried to warn me, he told me he couldn't take it any more. He s...
Pay It Forward: Cup Of Joe For A Joe I discovered this organization via Facebook. The Green Bean Coffee company has a special program which allows us to buy coffee for our service men and women. All you have to do is go to their website and buy as many cups as you ...
It's just another wonderful day in the Pocono's! Even though it's been a wonderful day I can't say I've been having much fun! First of all there is way too much ice and snow to be able to get around and take any cool nature shots and there are so many beautiful pictures to take right now. They're...
It’s all slip, sliding away! After a constant barrage of ice-cold weather, snow and ice, the weather here in the Pocono’s has decided to give us a much-needed break. Yesterday was warm enough for the snow to turn to rain and rain it did. Today the temperature is again relatively mild in compariso...
Down Payment Assistance Programs | Are they really a good idea? I was reading a very interesting post today written by Marisa Hunter titled: Down Payment Assistance Programs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Now I didn’t really know that these programs were available before I read her post. I foun...
Sometimes the littlest things can make someone happy. Take for example the other day. I had a paint order to fill at the local Lowe’s Home Improvement Center. As it turned out the base that was needed to mix my paint was not available in a 5-gallon bucket. This was the case for 3 of the colors I ...
Sitting here in the warmth and comfort of my home with my two dogs laying by the foot of the couch I am reminded that there are all kinds of people in this world. My thermometer is currently reading –3, yet hear a dog howling outside somewhere. What kind of gerbil-minded fool would leave their do...
Most people who know me know I repair computers, configure networks and design an occasional website. So it’s not uncommon for me to get a referral from time to time. This one was pretty simple, her operating system corrupted. It was pretty obvious that she wasn’t living large and I found out she...
This morning I logged into the Rain as I try to every morning. I saw a post by Roy Kelley titled: Are you ready?. What I like most about his post was the beautiful array of colors in the photographs, so I left a comment. Roy in turn visited my blog to find that I haven’t posted a single thing sin...