It certainly could be! Any way you look at it, it's self-perpetuating. If things seem to be getting better, people will start grabbing awesome bargains which are to be had in any city. Others will see the initial folks and follow along. Soon the supply will dry up a bit and competition will en
If you think about it, your credit score is a BIG chunk of you monthly budget. If you have any kind of debt, you are going to pay extra. That's gas cards, mortgages, car payments and so on. To not understand your credit score and how it's computed and what makes it move, can be costly. Like a
I've had a couple of deal delayed lately because there were't any comparables. The properties were in the country for sure but the appraisers are telling me there are NO SALES.No Sales at similar square footage within the proper distances! NONE. So, we get as close as we can to our subject wit
100% Financing on a Single Wide! I just helped a veteran buy a single wide mobile / manufactured home with 100% financing and 6% seller concessions!!!! FHA loans still require a 2.25% down payment, but the FHA will allow the seller to contribute 6% toward the buyers closing costs, pre-paid intere
I cannot tell you how relieved Realtors are when I tell them we can finance ANY manufactured (mobile) home. Things have tightened a little bit, but financing is widely available. I just did a 100% VA loan on a 1986 single wide. Many banks are shying away from financing single wides and double wid
The biggest factor affecting your credit score is; "Proportion of balances to credit limit too high." In English; If you buy a lawn tractor for $1,000 and you get a store credit card for $1,000, the balance in proportion to the credit limit is 100%. This is a red flag with the credit bureaus bec
I am probably the last person to complain about grammar, but why would anyone send out a solicitation for business (advertisement) without running a spelling checker? I get letters in the mail asking me to refinance my $300,000 mortgage because "your able to lock in at LOW RATES!" Your? Wouldn
It's going to get worse, I promise. At your local lending institution, no employee is going to be the next to sign off on the next future foreclosure. I know I wouldn't. In the short run, it's easier to avoid future foreclosures by finding problems with almost every loan. Lenders will use their
If there is one thing I could tell perspective home buyers, it would be to PLAN PLAN PLAN! I guess that was actually three things. Anyway, I get clients all the time lately that have found a foreclosure or an unbelievable value on their dream home and they just HAVE TO HAVE IT.That's fine and I
A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE . . . having your spouse on the mortgage, credit wise is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Here's why! As a mortgage broker, we deal with a ratio called DTI and it's a very important ratio in approving a mortgage. It's Debt-to-Income, how much you owe divided