Have you read the latest data on buyers in the real estate marketplace? Find out who they are and why they are buying with this Market Report at the Matthew Ferrara Learning Network (members only)
The bigger a company gets, the greater its opportunity to drive down costs, increase customer value and expand market share. Or, as some companies prove, simply create bigger problems. Here’s a funny story you’ve probably experienced yourself. You try to purchase a product a service from a big c
After mastering the technical tools of social media, the next step is to focus on outcomes. Here’s how to find out what are people saying about you and your brand online. Social media is a modern relationship management tool. As a prospecting platform, social media make it easy to communicate to
Check out our free video of the week at the Matthew Ferrara Learning Network. This week's lesson focuses on asking good questions to prospective customers.
Just a reminder to all of our friends on ActiveRain that we're extending promotional membership prices until Monday for our new Matthew Ferrara Learning Network. If you're looking for new ideas, techniques and strategies to grow your career as a real estate agent, manager, owner or trainer, we
If you missed our broadcast, "Recruiting the Next Generation," here's the free on-demand video from the Matthew Ferrara Learning Network launch this week. There's still time to Sign Up and join tomorrow's free broadcast, "Social Networking Tips." Become a member today and enjoy hundreds of other
Just a reminder that there's till time to join us for today's interactive online broadcast of "Digital Video Tips" on the all-new Matthew Ferrara Learning Network. Event starts at 11am EST - but you need to sign up in advance (you'll receive a login by 10:30 AM EST at the latest by email). Just v
Today marked the launch of the Matthew Ferrara Learning Network featuring a live internet WebTV broadcast of "Secrets of Social Networking" with Matthew Ferrara.With more than 100 people tuning in live, the online learning session featured three key secrets and lots of questions from t
With only than 51% of REALTORS saying they actively use social networking sites, these seven secrets might help close the gap between the average real estate professional and the average consumer.It's a question of prospecting. How do real estate agents of today plan to prospect to their custome
This week Fannie Mae, the government agency we love to hate, announced it would punish borrowers who strategically default on mortgages on non-performing housing assets. Funny how they didn’t mention their request for another $8.4 billion in taxpayer money last month.How long will the country –