Lisa Hill's Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - Florida Property Experts
Selling homes, vacant land, condos, townhouses, and more in Daytona Beach, South Daytona, Port Orange, Ponce Inlet, Daytona Beach Shores, New Smyrna Beach, Ormond Beach, Wilbur by the Sea, Ormond by the Sea and other towns in east Volusia County. To buy or sell real estate in the Daytona Beach area, make a Smart Choice and call Lisa Hill today.
Happy Sunday! =)  It's time for a new week to begin. So let's start with this gorgeous photo my brother took. I absolutely love this shot. It looks like a watercolor painting. But it's an actual shot that he took at sunset, from the end of a canal. I hope you all enjoy this image as much as I do....
           A Very Cool Thing To Do Today. Too Bad I'm Not in New York this Weekend =( Check this out. Apparently this is an annual thing. They have a "Dance Parade" right down the middle of Broadway in New York City, every year on the Saturday before Memorial Day. Watch the video. It explains ab...
Here's another happy photo by nickrun. And this little fellow looks so happy. His chest is all puffed up and he/she is singing their little heart out. This photo just make me feel happy. I like to imagine how it must feel, to be perched and singing, without a care in the world. Such a feeling of ...
OK so maybe you shouldn't get too close when you sniff this one. You'd be in for quite a surprise! As with most of the practically perfect nature shots that I post here, this one is also by Nickrun. This photo is copyrighted, but you can order prints at this link --> Order prints of photos by Nic...
                                Buy, Sell or Lease a House or Condo in Ponce Inlet Florida It's that time of year again. It's the time of year when the weather in Central Florida is warm and wonderful... it's not too hot or too cold. And it's perfect for anyone who would like to buy a house or c...
                                       Storm Rolling Over the Ocean Part 2 So some of you have read my posts where I pick on my younger, twin brothers Christian and Christopher (aka Squid and Squidley... he he) Anyway, both of my brothers, in their spare time, can usually be found (or not found)...
                                            Storm Rolling Over the Ocean, Part One So some of you have read my posts where I pick on my younger, twin brothers Christian and Christopher (aka Squid and Squidley... he he) Anyway, both of my brothers, in their spare time, can usually be found (or no...
National Fitness and Sports Month.  Original Post by Brian Watkins; Being Passed Along to you now, by Daytona Beach area REALTOR®, Lisa Hill, "The Smart Choice". I'm re-blogging this post I just found, for obvious reasons... We need it! But before we get to the post, I'll begin with the comment ...
        How Can You Help to Save The Sea Turtles? Info by Your Ponce Inlet REALTOR®, Lisa Hill Saving the Sea Turtles is a topic on which I've blogged before, but since I was just cleaning up one of my old YouTube channels, I ran across this old video on the subject when I found a new comment on...
Welcome to another (non) Speechless Sunday photo blog post =P  And since Nick is still tied up with other ventures, I'm still taking liberties with his photos. (Yay for me! lol) And I know how much you all enjoy his work anyway. Hopefully, he'll be able to add his 2 cents, and post more of his ne...

Lisa Hill

Daytona Beach Real Estate
local_phone(386) 212-5357
Contact The Author
Areas Served: Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, Ponce Inlet, Wilbur by the Sea, Port Orange, Ormond Beach, South Daytona, Holly Hill, New Smyrna, Edgewater, Florida Shores.

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