Inquiring minds want to know; how much money did you make starting out as a home stager? This year I was interviewed by a job search website about my career as a home stager. They asked some very pointed but relevant questions and only asked that I honestly answered them to the best of my abiliti
Great to read this blog written by Dallas Realtor, Tom Branch with REMAX Dallas Suburbs, on the merits of staging your home for sale and why. I've had the good fortune to meet and work with Tom and his wife/business partner Gina through Active Rain and know first hand the value and truth to what
Are you a North Texas Realtor interested in learning more about home staging for your listings? Join me, a working home stager in the Dallas market and the RESA Texas State President for a fun and informative 2 hour MCE on Sept. 19th from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the MetroTex Richardson Service Cente
A meeting you won't want to miss! Join us as RESA Realtor of the Year 2011 Nominee Eric Holmes with Dave Perry Miller & Associates shares his experience with home staging and why he believes it's an integral part of the marketing package for all his listings. Overcoming objections are key to sell
In the business of selling homes? Lead time is a necessary ingredient for the success of the sale! Also, if you are looking to hire a professional home stager in your area, it is so vital to understand that this lead time is often necessary not only for the home stager & their schedule but the ho
COLLIN COLLEGE, Plano,TX is once again offering an 8 hour Home Staging CE course startingSeptember 15th through Saturday October 6th 2012, (4) Saturday's from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Please Note: This is the only session being offered for the FallTerm 2012. Next course offering will be in the Winter
I opened an email this morning to read a letter from yet another company wanting to help me with my SEO ranking. I followed with a response I'll share at the end. While I normally just delete these emails the header of the email stated that: "Home Star Staging is too hard to find!". That intrigu
Ever wonder what it's like to be a home stager ? Would you like to job shadow one? Now you can for free and online! A couple of months ago I was contacted by the owner of an online job search resource Job that focuses on sharing all types of careers with students, professionals and an
This topic has never been far from my mind or my business policies. As a small business owner of a Plano, TX home staging company one of the benefits of running my own business is knowing when I should walk away from a job if certain scenarios are in place or come into question. Not only does th
One of the biggest bangs for your home selling buck is a new coat of paint to lighten and brighten up a room. No other update is as cost effective and dramatic when selling a home. While I personally love a color filled home while dwelling, for selling it often becomes one of the biggest objecti