In Lakeland and all of Polk County, foreclosures are a big deal. In 2008, 9,467 cases were filed; numbers for 2009 are expected to be about the same. Many homeowners, with their homes at risk due to unemployment and rising mortgage payments, need an alternative before the situation gets that bad.
If you're thinking of buying Lakeland real estate in the future, why not think about buying now? Here are five good reasons you may want to take that step toward home ownership sooner than you might have originally planned. 1. Historically Low Interest Rates. With the economy in its present stat
You've probably heard by now that the FirstTime Home Buyer' Tax Credit has been rewritten and signed into law. If you're thinking of buying Lakeland real estate within the next few months, even if you're not a first-time home buyer, you still may qualify for the credit under this new legislation.
Ever wonder just how many people call Lakeland, Florida, home? Well, at the present time, about 93,000 people consider themselves Lakelanders. And of that amount, 46.5% are male and 53.5% are female. The population of Lakeland is actually up about 14.6% since the year 2000. Lakeland boasts 5 hi
Today many people are wanting their homes to be more "green". This month's Parade of Homes in Lakeland is featuring one home, located at 4322 Tokose Place, which is the state's highest scoring Florida Green Building Coalition "Platinum" Level home. It is also the first home in the state of Flori
Whether you're a native of Lakeland, a visitor, or just moving to the area, you've probably noticed the beautiful swans on Lake Morton. They're such a part of the city that the swan has become Lakeland's mascot with statues of swans at every turn and pictures in every brochure. Native swans hav